Find Your Magic Portal
The stories we know and love are full of magic portals…
Forests and lakes, basements and attics, closets and wardrobes. Places where magic happens, where reality as we know it crosses over to other worlds and dimensions.
What isn’t talked about so much, are the magic portals writers use to get INTO their writing and the worlds they are creating.
For some people it’s writing shrines, crystals and candles. For others it’s a walk in the park, or sitting down by the lake. I even had a writing mentor who used to dress in head to toe costume to get in the zone.
As for me, I wrote my first story playing holiday movies on a loop on the living room TV.
Now I don’t know what I would do without my Spotify playlist.
I seem to be drawn to certain songs and genres as my books evolve. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don’t, but either way, it gets me there—in the mood and faraway in time and space so I can connect with my characters and the drama that they’re facing.
That playlist becomes my reset button, that I press each day as I open up my manuscript. I hit play, and I’m locked in and ready to write, back in the mood and flow I was in yesterday.
So if you don’t have a magic portal yet, and you’re struggling to find the words, or pick up where you left off, consider making this part of your new writing habit.
It’ll help you keep up the momentum, stay in the zone and propel you toward your finish line.