Inspo, tips and tools for making your passion project happen — including how to write, FINISH, publish and launch your book!

Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

How to create a writing habit in 60 minutes, plus 15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed

What if you really valued the journey more than the goal?


What if you saw the adventure you’re on, the goal you’re chasing, as an opportunity for growth, rather than a means to an end? How would that change your approach? Could it give you more courage to try and fail? Would less of your identity depend on you being successful? Because you already acknowledged that, like learning to surf, falling on your ass and getting back up again is baked into the experience? Would you perhaps experience more joy, then, along the way? And see it more as an act of play and curiosity?


It got me thinking about Jesus. Think about it: He didn’t need his 12 disciples to help him spread the Word. He was the son of God! So why did he enlist them? Because adopting that humble posture of needing help created an opportunity for others to grow in their faith, courage and love by helping him.


If you look at it that way, the goal (spreading the Word of God) is just a vehicle for change (growing in faith, courage and love).


AI tells me that growth mindset is “the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed or innate. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view setbacks as learning opportunities, and find inspiration in the success of others.”


And that feels about right but what if growth mindset is really about doing what’s scary or hard to grow in your faith, courage and love? What if that's the goal? What if it’s the whole point?


Cat xo


How to create a writing habit in 60 minutes


I just coached an author who is new to writing and beginning to work on her book on how to get started. Through my coaching, I landed on what is the perfect formula, I think, and it draws on many of the practices that have worked for me and my authors.


So here goes...


Ready for it?


This is what it looks like (in no particular order):


20 minutes of writing your book

(You can get your feet wet and start with journalling if you like.)


20 minutes of reading

(It can be books on writing, like Stephen King's On Writing, or books in and outside of your genre--I had an author who literally inhaled 15 books recently and came out an incredible author on the other side. Osmosis baby!)


20 minutes of "listening"

(This can be praying, meditating or simply taking a walk in the woods with your Airpods off--the whole point is to listen for God, Source, Spirit, Muse, your inner voice, whatever/whoever, and allowing space for answers to come from outside of you. Trust me, it works!)


If you can do these 3 things every day, I'm confident, you'll grow into a terrific writer and author in no time. Consistency = momentum!


15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed


Okay, I just listened to some phenomenal coaching from Alex Hormozi, that I just have to share. I need to listen to this at least 3 more times to get all the golden nuggets inside, but here's the link so you can listen for yourself. As I wrote to my son while I was sending him this link, if you want to succeed at business, Alex is the number one guy to learn from. But he's amazing at teaching how to win at life in general as well. Click here to listen to Alex Hormozi's 15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Excuse me while I ugly cry for a minute... Plus how I'm using AI to grow my business

Excuse me while I ugly cry for a minute..

Here are just a few responses to the question “Why would you like to help me promote my book?” that I asked volunteers for my street team:

“Because I love you - I'm so excited for you!!!  You deserve this!”

“Because I love books, I love you and we writers need to stick together!”

“Because you are awesome!!”

“Because I love books and it sounds amazing & im so excited to read it.”

“Because it sounds like a great book and you are. great person! I like helping other incredible humans succeed.”

“Because I admire your talent and tenacity.”

“Simply put - you are awesome! I also know (or  at this point can only imagine) how much work goes into creating a book, let alone launching it - and how important community support is.”

“Supporting this book launch isn’t just about promoting a book—it’s about encouraging conversations that inspire hope, self-compassion, and the courage to begin again.”

“Our community needs to hear your story and be encouraged. In a nutshell, i want to help my friend so she can help the world.”

I mean, whoa.

Asking for help is not something that comes easy to me, at least not where I’m most vulnerable.

Mentors? Coaches? Community? I’ll take all the help that I can get it when it comes to my writing and my business because I know it’s not personal.

But asking you to help ME just because I’m ME? And maybe you like me? Or even care? That’s so HARD!

My book has grown me in so many ways—and sometimes I wonder if that’s been the whole point all along.

But never has it stretched me as much as it’s doing now leading up to my book launch, as I make my journey more and more public and ask for people to support me and my book along the way, because, to be honest, I just can’t do it alone.

It makes me wonder, Where are you asking for help? And where could you use it but you’re too afraid to ask?

Cat xo

PS: If it’s writing a book that you want help with but you’re too afraid to ask anyone—use me! That’s what I’m here for! 😂

The Upside of AI (and Having a Coach)

I’m great at producing books but terrible at managing money 🤦♀️

So over the Christmas holidays I figured, why not ask Chat GPT and Claude for help? Other people go to AI for help with writing their content but what I really needed help with was a revenue plan.

In under an hour, Claude helped me come up with a financial plan for my business in 2025. Claude told me which of my packages were not profitable, and how to optimize my offers.

What I think was so helpful is, Claude doesn’t care about my people pleasing, or my sense of self-worth. AI doesn’t care about imposter syndrome or perfectionism or any of the ways we sabotage or get in our own way.

It cares about what makes good business sense, not Catalina sense. And so the advice and suggestions I got were completely objective and didn’t factor all the personality/identity issues most of us struggle with.

Hiring a coach for your book is the same. You probably have a lot of emotions wrapped up in writing your book and being an author. Things a coach or editor won’t let impact THEIR decision making. Which is why having a book coach and editor can be so valuable to writing, finishing and editing your book, and how I’m able to help so many authors make their publishing dreams come true, especially so quickly.

Basically, I help you get over yourself and get out of your own way, so you can make it happen.

AI took all the emotion out of the equation and with an objective eye helped me revise my packages to make them more competitive, and more profitable.

And that’s exactly what us coaches do with our clients.

Its why it’s so important to have an objective party work with us toward our goals for transformation—whether that’s becoming an author, a thought leader or a transformed organization.

You don’t have to do it alone. In fact, together, we’ll go further faster.

PS: I have 4 authors launching their books in the next few months. Which means I have 4 spots for my next group of authors who will be writing and publishing their books in 2025. If you’re ready to commit to your dream and make it happen (and if you’re not—really ask yourself why?), hit reply to explore with me what that can look like.

If you want to join my street team, I know my assistant Karlene will pull out her hair, but I can probably still squeeze you in 😉 Click here to sign up.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Your perfect moment is right here, and you’re missing it…

I have this thing I do. Sometimes, while I’m tidying the house, my gaze will lift up and stop at the photos of my kids when they were babies, toddlers, and I’ll think, “God, that moment was so perfect! Did I enjoy it as much as I should have?”

And then I’ll kick myself and recall, in a few years, I’ll look back at THIS moment, and think the same thing.

I’ll never be as young as I am today. And neither will my kids. And one day, my fifty-something self will look at my forty-something self and think, “You were so f**king hot back then!” LOL

Point being, this is the perfect moment to start making your dream come true—whatever that dream is for you. Have you known life to get any easier? Or slower? Nah, it just gets more complicated, and it just flies faster with each passing year. And by putting that dream off for another month, another quarter, another “I just need to get through this next [x]”—you’re lying to yourself. And you’re missing the window.

I’m launching my book next month and the timing could not be worse! I have a stye on my eye that WILL NOT GO AWAY! My business is exploding—scaling my business and launching a book at the same time, while raising four kids including 2 troublesome tween twins and one teenager who cannot see the barrel of life staring him down and still thinks he has another four years to get it together when college is around the corner!!!

Dreams don’t wait. Not mine, not yours. You’re either on the bus, or off. You’re either moving closer to it, or further away. It will not get easier. There will not be more time. But at the end of it, to be able to say, in the words of Frank Sinatra, “I did it my way”? That’s how I want to go out. How about you?


PS: The window to get into my Author Accelerator program is closing. Starting April through June, my calendar will be blocked off for my existing clients and my book launch. If you want to get in before then and start making your book publishing dream come true, hit reply and tell me “Let’s rock!”

Writing tip of the week: Two things I’d tell my younger author self

At this month’s mastermind, I shared with my authors two lessons I would travel back in time to tell my younger self—because these two things take time—as much time as you can muster—to build.

  1. Make as many friends as you can. If I could go back in time, I would join MORE groups and associations. I’d network my ass off. I’d kick that “I can do this on my own” attitude to the curb sooner and ask anyone and everyone for help because I’d know that asking for coaching, mentorship, feedback and support is the fastest track to my dreams coming true. Don’t wait until your book launch to start marketing your book. Your book marketing journey starts the moment that you hear these words. Relationships take time to build, and publishing and marketing a book is one of the most community-driven things you can do.

  2. Take care of your ass-ets. Take it from me, launching a book requires a multitude of steps and deliverables. From your author website, to reader magnets and more, there are so many little pieces to put together and you do not want to leave it for the last minute. I’ve been working on my book launch for a year, and it still doesn’t feel like enough—if I could, I’d push the launch out a few more months so I can get to everything! So while things are slow and quiet, while you’re sketching your first draft or enjoying a break from your manuscript while someone else edits it, build your author website. Start drafting up those guest posts and articles. Create a folder of images you can draw on. The more and the sooner you can bank these, the more you can enjoy the ride later.

  3. Write your next book. As the saying goes, “The best way to market your book is to write another one.” I’m grateful I banked a few manuscripts when my business was young and still slow going. I have a bank of content and stories I can go back to and revise. Being an author is a long game. Make your current WIP (work in progress) your priority, but remember to line up a follow-up to really give it lift.

Wanna be on my team?

My book is launching on April 29 and I’m building a dream team street team to help me launch and promote my book, and I would love for you to be part of it!

This book is all about next chapter, second chances and personal reinvention (not to mention friendship and motherhood). You can learn more about it here:

It this is something you want to be part of, please fill out the application form here below. We’ll be hitting the ground running with more announcements coming soon. I hope you can join us in building this from the ground up!

Click here to join.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Has this ever happened to you? How I screwed up last week and what I learned

Last week I hosted a mini-summit called Beyond the Book, where I interviewed experts on how to make the most of publishing a book to grow your brand, business and impact.


It was a great success (powerful interviews! Major takeaways! New friends and connections!), and also a great pain in my butt (major tech issues! Emails not going out and landing in spam filters! 🤷‍♀️).


Which is all to say, it was a great learning experience. Here are some of my top lessons learned:


💥 The power of email: When email is working (unlike mine last week! 🤬), it’s a powerful outreach tool. I usually ask my interview guests to promote our collaborations to their email lists and newsletter audiences, because it generates better traction. I missed to communicate this and while my guests did a great job of promoting my event and were super generous on their social channels, it just didn’t create the same results I’ve had in the past. Which is why I’m such a big fan of email list building, and encourage all my clients to focus on building theirs. When you post something on social, people may or may not see it. But if you send an invitation to their inbox, they can’t miss it. That’s the power of email.


💥 FU: My dear friend George Tremis taught me this years ago, but like a stubborn problem child, I can still resist it from time to time, not wanting to be a nuisance. Over the past couple of weeks I had a few amazing calls with dream authors and clients, only to be ghosted. I was left scratching my head, wondering if I missed something. Then one of them reached out TO ME, because she hadn’t received my emailed proposal. In the words of Homer Simpson, doh! 🤦‍♀️ Like I said, in the past couple of weeks, some people have been getting my emails, and some haven’t. I took that as a cue and reached out to the other potential clients on other platforms, and each one got back to me right away. Lesson learned: Follow up. You never know when ghosting is actually communication that didn’t reach its intended recipient.


💥 For takeaways from the actual event (such as how to protect your IP and publishing rights, scale your business and your impact through group coaching, appear in your favourite media outlets, and what successful authors do when they launch their book), sign up at, where you can still access the recordings and replay.


You got this.


Cat xo


Writing tip of the week: 120 Hours


Recently I had the honour of speaking in front of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers – Alberta Chapter, on how to book more, earn more and publish with purpose. In addition to sharing the keys to book publishing success and how to author a book and build a brand that establishes credibility, I shared one secret to writing and finishing a book that I’ll share with you here and now:


120 hours


That’s all it takes.


Just 120 hours to create your shitty first draft.


That’s 500 words an hour, 1 hour a day.


Seems doable now, doesn’t it?


You can do it over three 40-hour work weeks. You could write a first draft on an extended vacation, or mini-sabbatical, or summer break.


Or you could halve your output and make it your part-time job for 6 weeks.


Or you could write for 2 hours a day and give yourself the weekends off to finish your book in just 3 months.


Or you could just do an hour a day if that’s all you can find, and have a finished first draft in 6 months, without having to quit your day job or your life.


All it takes is 120 hours to write your book. But what that looks like in your life—whether you work 9-5, have kids or others to care for, juggle multiple projects and responsibilities, etc.—varies person to person.


I have clients who have finished their book in 6 months, 1.5 months and 12 days—you heard that right, 12 DAYS!


It’s totally doable. Now you just get to figure out what 120 hours looks like for you.


PS: If you need help figuring out how to fit those 120 hours into your life, along with support and accountability, fill out a discovery call application form here.


You rock!


Here’s what the folks at CAPS Alberta had to say about my book publishing talk:


“Cat made my first book seem doable with actionable tips, thank you!”


“It is clear that Cat understands the process to write and publish a book and she presents the info in a way that is easy to understand and inspiring to get started myself.”


“Love your calm presentation manner and deep knowledge!”


“If you are looking to write a book, connect with Cat first!”


If you would like me to do a workshop, talk or seminar/webinar for your group, email me at

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Where do ideas come from? Plus, if you're stuck in your writing, you might be doing this...

Have you seen Piece by Piece, the Pharrell Williams Lego movie slash biopic, which I completely  recommend?


It’s a fascinating exploration of creativity and a creative genius


And listening to him explain his approach to art and music made me feel not so crazy. 


I do Bible study every morning and one of the things that often comes up is etymology, which, for a word fetishist like me, is delightful. 


According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionarythe word “inspire” actually comes from “the Latin inspirare (‘to breathe or blow into’), which itself is from the word spirare, meaning ‘to breathe.’ It didn't take long to establish itself in a figurative sense, as our earliest written English uses of inspire give it the meaning ‘to influence, move, or guide (as to speech or action) through divine or supernatural agency or power.’ Many of the early figurative senses of inspire are religious in nature, so it is not surprising to learn that the word shares a connection with spirit (which comes from the Latin word for ‘breath,’ spiritus, which is also from spirare).”


Personally I liken it to “the cloud.” All these ideas, memories, conversations, experiences, past present future, floating above us, eternal, available to each one of us and connecting us with each other, the divine, eternal. 


When I’m being creative I make myself available to what it wants to show me. Likewise sometimes when I’m looking for something I reach up and pluck it from the sky—“the cloud,” as it were. Either way, I completely recognize these are not from me but rather gifts shared with me, and it is always a humbling experience. 


In his interview with music producer Rick Rubin, Pharrell calls it “a journey of exploration and excavation,” which also resonates with me because when I’m not accessing the cloud, I feel more like an archaeologist, particularly as a book coach, digging around in someone else’s heart and mind, to uncover the story and message they are meant to share. Indeed the story and message they are—through their accumulated experiences and wisdom and knowledge gained—uniquely positioned to bring forward. 


It’s a deeply intuitive—and for me, anyway, spiritual—experience. 


Which is all to say, you were made for this.


Cat xo


PS: If you're new to your writing journey, get my 9 Game Changing Tools for Authors to set yourself up for success :) Click here to receive it, along with some other bonuses 😉


Writing tip of the week: If you’re stuck, you might be doing this…


I was on a discovery call a couple of weeks ago, when a would-be author shared her writing practice.


She was leaving her writing for the end of the day, but often finding herself too tired or uninspired to write.


I shared my own writing practice—first thing in the morning, after prayer/meditation, before anyone or anything else has a chance to get to me. That way I can write from the overflow—my highest, most inspired, most loving and generous self. It’s also my act of self care and how I give back to myself, so I have more to give to others.


That’s when I’m most connected to God, Spirit, Source, Muse, “the cloud.” And that’s when I have the most to offer anyone.


So if you’re feeling out of gas when you get to your book, try bumping up your writing practice to the first item of your day. And see if that doesn’t fuel the rest of your day’s to-dos and activities.


And another thing: It’s important to carve out time for what’s important to you—whether that’s a book, relationship, business growth or other passion project. If you don’t make time for your long-term goals, you’ll be swallowed up by your present circumstances. So if there are two things you prioritize each day, let one of them be something that moves you toward your long-term goal of who/what/where you want to be in five, ten, years' time. Just knowing you’re making progress toward it every day will give you the confidence and energy to keep going.


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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Ask the Agent, plus the secret to transformational storytelling

Next week, I’ll be judging the first Speaker Slam of the year.


In case you’re not familiar with it, Speaker Slam is North America’s largest inspirational speaking competition. And on January 28 in downtown Toronto at Lula Lounge, 10 speakers will go head-to-head and heart-to-heart to inspire audiences with their speeches on the theme of resilience.


Last year, I got to see my friend Robb Gilbear perform his talk—where he shared a scene from his book that we worked on together. We did a lot of crying, and laughing, as we built that book out together, to make it as powerful and emotionally resonant as we could for it to have the kind of impact Robb dreamed of.


As we did, we would conspire over the talk he would one day deliver—how his book would hone his story, his message, refining scenes—and now here he was, on the stage, making it come alive for a live audience. It was magical.


The thing about Speaker Slam is that every talk hinges on powerful storytelling.


And what makes a story powerful?



-Bonus points for an arch—along the lines of the hero’s journey (up, down, up)


But here’s another secret to transformational storytelling:


It’s about hope.


By taking readers on a cathartic journey from hopelessness to inspired action, we give readers the courage to face their biggest fears, take that bold step forward anyway, and come out on top.


I’m building out a step-by-step guide to help you make this happen (DM me if you want a copy!), and you can see me do this in my book Again, Only More Like You, launching in April (pre-order your copy now to get an exclusive gift from me!).


For now, share your story in the deepest, most honest way you can. If you feel goosebumps or tears start to fall (the tingle test), you’ll know you’re on the right track.


Cat xo


Ask the Agent: Elizabeth Rudnick, Gillian MacKenzie Agency


Before the holidays, I had the chance to chat with literary agent Elizabeth Rudnick, of Gillian MacKenzie Agency.


As an editor at Hyperion/Disney, Elizabeth worked with best-selling authors and celebrities such as Melissa de la Cruz and Miley Cyrus, and has written over 50 books for children. Elizabeth represents writers of literary and upmarket fiction. (Note that currently, Elizabeth is not accepting unsolicited submissions.)


In our chat, Elizabeth emphasized the importance of a unique hook and a well-prepared proposal, and also talked about the shift towards shorter, more digestible content. Here are some other insights she shared and my top takeaways from our conversation:



-Even though they may come with inherently smaller audiences, niche books can actually be easier to sell/pitch to publishers. Example: A Cape Cod coffee table book.

-Memoir is hard to sell, and collections of essays can be just as difficult to sell, however they can still find success with smaller presses and publishers.



-For kids non-fiction, look at what’s working in adult non-fiction, as that will trickle down

-Thought leaders and experts can ask yourselves, How can I bring my message to kids in the nonfiction space?



- More and more, publishers are still looking for platform-driven content (so authors with 500K+ followers), even though that doesn’t necessarily correlate with sales. However, if you have unique access/assets that can help sell the book (such as a large email list, chain of stores, etc.), that can go a long way to convincing publishers to sign you. 



-If you’re writing non-fiction, particularly prescriptive, to build a case for your book, ask yourself: Why would someone read your book instead of getting this information from YouTube? THAT’S what you’re competing against.


Life begins at 40...or does it?


Anyone else have a life-changing experience as you hit 40? Or maybe it was another milestone birthday that rocked your world?…

Maybe you’re at a different crossroads in your life—a job you don’t love. A relationship that you feel stuck in. Do I stay or do I go?
It’s these kinds of choices that my characters Carmen and Ally face in my book AGAIN, ONLY MORE LIKE YOU, launching April 29. And how they navigate the breakups and shakeups still brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes—even a million drafts, revisions and iterations later.
There is a Japanese art called Kintsugi that involves repairing broken objects using gold or lacquer, which leaves a gold seam where the cracks were, giving the item a new, more refined aspect.
In the end, I think that’s what this book is really all about. The beauty in the broken things. Falling apart and putting yourself back together. Again, only more like you. 💕

Available for pre-order now from you favourite book stores.


For more insta updates on my book, visit me on Instagram.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

How to fundraise your creative project

There are times when you just gotta wonder, what’s the point?

When the enemy seems too great, too many, too powerful.

And you feel silly about the things that you do, and the hope that you carry. Like the devil is laughing at you—“Really? You want to hit me with that? That’s all you got?”

And you think, maybe today I won’t write this post.

Maybe this week I won’t send out the newsletter.

And little by little you feel like resigning, giving up, giving in…

And then a friend sends a link for a fundraiser for a friend who has lost her house in the LA fires. You hear about how her and her son are homeless now, and that she raced out of the house before she could grab a jacket even.

And you’re grateful they made it out alive, but…

So you donate what you can. And you share the link with some other mutual friends. And people pitch in and share within their own circles. And you start to see something happen, something growing…a difference—however small—is being made.

And that flicker of hope that almost went out…it comes back. That it matters what you say and what you do. That if it can help one person, that’s the whole point.

So you write that post. You draft up the newsletter. You stick your middle finger up at the devil and give him a big, “Screw you.”

Because today, I’m making a difference. I’m going to make it better. One person at a time.

Cat xo

PS: I know many of us know many people impacted by the fires and are helping in whatever way we can, and if you feel like contributing to my friend Karlene Falco’s GoFund Me page: here’s the link. We volunteer-staffed a transformational leadership program together and she has always brightened the corner she’s in. (And she used to be a former breakdancer, which is the coolest.) Love you, Karlene. Praying for you and Gabe and everyone impacted by the fires.

Creative Fundraising

Speaking of fundraising, while I have yet to test out this strategy, I know a few authors who have been hugely successful with fundraising and crowd funding as a way to raise money for their book.

The truth is, it costs money to create a high-quality book, especially if you’re self-publishing it.

👉 It costs money to hire an editor to edit it. (You can only take your book so far, no matter how great a writer or editor you are.)

👉 It costs money to hire a professional designer to create your cover and format your book.

👉 It costs money to effectively promote your book, pay for a book tour, all the things. (I know of someone who crowdfunded her book tour—AROUND THE WORLD!)

Fundraising and crowdfunding can be a great way to raise money for your book (or any passion project, really). Strategies that have worked for other authors and creators include adding value for early investors (signed copies, swag, etc.), and creating content that brings readers and investors in on your journey with you so they can feel like they're part of it. (Listen to my interview with Derral Eves to hear the crowfunding success story behind the hit show The Chosen.)

The interesting byproduct of which is creating community (the gold standard!) and a ready audience/readership along the way.

If that’s something you want to look into, here are some platforms to explore:

💰 Kickstarter – Backers support creative projects by pledging money

💰 Gofundme – Crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for a cause

💰 Patreon – Run a subscription service, sell digital products, through this monetizing platform for creatives

💰 Twitch – Livestreaming service that allows viewers to donate to their favourite streamers

If I could turn back time

If you could turn back time, would you do anything different? Would you do it all again?

These are just some of the questions that inspired my book AGAIN, ONLY MORE LIKE YOU. Questions I was facing personally, if I’ll be honest.

Did I make the right choices? What if I had said yes? What if I had said no? What would be different? Would I be okay with that?

Years later, I can say I’m thrilled with where I’m landing. But it took asking those questions, and exploring those answers, to get here.

If that’s where you are now, I hope you’re inspired by Carmen and Ally’s journey. I hope you can see yourself for the hero that you are. I hope you can know that, even when you’ve spent your whole life getting here and you’re still not where you want to be, your best is yet to come. 💫

(And yes, I know, I can hear Cher singing that famous chorus line too 😂)

For more insta updates on my book, visit me on Instagram.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

What if your goals are holding you back?

New Year, Bold Goals 🚀

Well, happy new year, lovelies! Gosh, I feel like I’ve been on vacation for years, never mind just 2 weeks!

It probably has to do with the amount of things I managed to fit into 14 days:

- Christmas shopping, Christmas shopping and then more Christmas shopping

- Returns on said Christmas purchases 😂

-Quality time with the fam (we didn’t do anything special, but what we did, we did it together 😉)

-Watching re-runs of some of my favourite movies like The Holiday and Postcards from the Edge—the best!

-Revising my book—again! Only this time I think I finally nailed the romance scenes—no pun intended!

-Working ON my business (I can thank Chat GPT and Claude for helping me plan out 2025)

-Most importantly, getting real clear on my vision and goals for this year (down to each and every month) to help me stay connected to what’s most important. Eye on the prize, baby!

Hopefully, you had a chance to do some of the same. If not, it’s not too late to set some intentions for the new year. Just like our calendars, if you don’t have a plan, well, life will be sure to fill in the blanks.

Wishing you a magical, joyful, OUTRAGEOUS 2025 💫

Cat xo

What if your goals are holding you back?

Speaking of vision, it can happen that sometimes, the goals we think we have or want, are not actually the goals we need.

On the last Friday before I went on holiday, I met with two of my authors who had been absent for much of the year. We re-connected and got under what’s been keeping them from writing and publishing their book.

Turns out, they were focused on the wrong book.

After digging around some, I discovered that not one but BOTH authors actually had another book in their back pocket that they wanted to write. But the book they thought they were “supposed” to write first was getting in the way and keeping them stuck.

They didn’t see that not only was that book holding them back, but actually, the book they were really excited to work on, was way more aligned with their future goals for themselves. And they didn’t have to wait for it—they could start with it now.

When I identified that the book they actually wanted to write is the book they’re going to have way more success with in the long term—providing more opportunities to do the kinds of talks they want to do, audiences they want to get in front of, media coverage they dream of, business growth they hope for—it changed everything.

Thing is, most hybrid publishers won’t do that for you. Most freelance editors won’t challenge you on whether the book you’re hiring them to edit is actually the right book for you to write RIGHT NOW. They won’t challenge you to get clear on your goals and your book’s place among them. They won’t challenge you to make your book better. And they sure as hell aren’t going to challenge you to do a better job of selling it.

But I will. And if you think getting on a call with me might change everything for you, DM me to get in my calendar now. I only have a few spots left for calls in January so don’t delay.

The countdown is on!

One of the things about taking a break is having the time and space to really THINK. And that made me realize, my book is launching in just 4 months! MY book! I get so caught up with my authors, that sometimes I forget I have a book to promote too!

So I drafted up my first book trailer, you can see it here. And I’m going full throttle into promotion mode. 🔥 Expect to hear more about my book launch, but if you really want the behind-the-scenes scoop, including giveaways and other exclusive invitations, sign up for my AGAIN, ONLY MORE LIKE YOU newsletter here. I’ll try to keep this space focused on you and your passion project, to help you make your dreams—especially ones involving writing and publishing a book—come true.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The number one AI question to ask…Plus 8 more takeaways from my speakers conference in Costa Rica last week

If you’re on time, you’re already late…

I don’t know about you, but I’m sprinting to the 2024 finish line. I have less than 2 weeks to:


-    Send my publisher a proofread copy of my book that’s launching next spring, including some small but impactful final tweaks I’d like to make. 


-    Finish editing two client manuscripts (are you sweating yet?).


-    Do ALL the Christmas shopping (pretty sure at this point, there is not a single person on earth who wants to swap places with me 😂).


-    AND set myself up for a monumental new year in 2025, which includes setting intentions for new revenue targets and personal and professional goals.


My point being, if you’re planning to level up in January, it means setting yourself up for success RIGHT NOW. And that means:


-    Wrapping up projects and deadlines to create space for wonderful new things to appear in the new year.


-    Setting clear intentions for the months ahead, and blocking these into your calendar to help you follow through.


If you think you can step into January and that it will somehow be different, better, or your best, but you haven’t done a darn thing to make it happen, you’re already late. Before you know it, it will be January 6, February 6, March 6, and nothing will have changed. 


You’ll be the same person. And your calendar will look like more of the same.


So take charge and lead it. Wrap up those lingering projects. Block in your new goals and intentions for the new year. Be the kind of person NOW that it’s going to take to make your dreams happen in 2025. Don’t wait until January to figure it out. It starts right now.


Cat xo


120 hours


Any goal seems monumental before you get started. But what I shared in my talk for the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) conference last week will make any dream possible.


Take writing a book for example: In my experience, it takes the average author 120 hours to write a book. That’s 3 x 40-hour work weeks. Or 1 hour a day, 5 times a week, over 6 months. Or 12 days, in the case of my client Matt Rogers.


Writing a book takes 120 hours but how much time that 120 hours spans is totally up to you—it could be over 12 days, or 6 months, or longer. So what will YOUR path forward be?


Regardless of the goal you might have, ask yourself—or Chat GPT—what the time investment will be, and figure out how you can work that into your calendar to make it happen. Then block it into your calendar to follow through.


PS: If you’re looking for someone who can help you figure out the best path to publishing for YOU to get the results you’re looking for from your book, I’ve opened up my calendar today and tomorrow to meet with the first people to sign up and help them choose the best publishing path for their book. Click here to grab your spot.


Top 8 Conference Takeaways


I couldn’t possibly fit all the amazing insights I gleaned and things I learned at the CAPS conference these past few days. But here are some of my favourite takeaways:


-“I’ll be damned if I’m gonna rip people off by giving them what they paid for” (Jeff Civillico on why you should charge more, not less, and over deliver for your services).


-Anything you do repeatedly, scale and systemitize (thanks for this too, Jeff!).


-Ask, What would my AI solution be? (mindset shift from the brilliant Peri Shawn 🤩).


-Give yourself permission (from my dear friend Pamela Robinson, love you!).


-Get yourself a powerful positioning statement (🙌 Azadeh Yaraghi).


-Video video video (everything—from everyone 😂).


-Hard to put this into words so I’ll just say that Brandi Heather’s talk was a masterclass in tour de force public speaking. Everything you need to know about being a moving, inspiring, engaging and impactful speaker can be witnessed in her presentation. Find out about the next one you can attend. (And Brandi, please teach me!)


-Last but not least, I really loved Joze Piranian’s take on inclusion, which he says is not about everyone walking around on eggshells all the time, but rather “Inclusion is the pool we all get thrown into.” I’m probably butchering it, so look for his Ted talk "The Inclusion Pool Paradox." 


What’s a takeaway you’re excited to implement? I’d love to hear it!


PS: To sign up for Cat's Again, Only More Like You newsletter, and for updates on her book, click here.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Ask an agent (my top takeaways) ... plus, Jon Bon Jovi's advice for creators, artists and authors

I did the stupidest thing… 🤦‍♀️


Last year, I chose my word of the year and it was “expansion.”


And boy, has this year ever expanded me 😅


I’ve been stretched to grow my business bigger and in ways I didn’t imagine. I've spoken at more events, and have more clients than ever, including several who are publishing and launching their book next year! I’ve added new groups, communities and friends to my network, and mentors, coaches and a board of directors for my business. Most of all, I stretched myself to discover how many people I can serve and support, and how many things I can achieve, with the finite number of hours available to me each day.


All because I chose one little word last December to live into this year. Key words: I chose this.


The year is wrapping up and true to my word, I’m finishing strong. Next week I fly out to Costa Rica to present a book publishing workshop. My book was selected as part of a 2025 cohort of authors whose journey will be showcased, reality-TV style, and in a few weeks I get to meet my fellow winners and learn more about the plans for the year ahead. I’m hosting a client mixer, to encourage connections, partnerships and alliances within my own #authorlife community. And I’m finishing a proofread of my book—my last last chance to refine it for my publishers before it goes out to reviewers. (Talk about pressure!)


Suffice to say, I’ll choose my word even more carefully for next year. 😉


If there is a word, an intention, you can set for next year, what would it be? What word encapsulates the ways you want to grow and evolve, and the things you dream for yourself to take place next year? Think about it. Then choose it.


Cat xo


PS: If writing, publishing or launching a book is your goal for 2025, hit reply and let me know. I can help with whatever step of that journey you’re in.


Ask an agent: Rita Rosenkranz


One of the ways I’m choosing to grow in 2025 is building up a roster of literary agents I work with, to represent my authors who want to be traditionally published.


Last week, I caught up with the lovely Rita Rosenkranz, a well-established agent who represents almost exclusively adult non-fiction titles. Rita began her career as an editor at major publishing houses, and represents first-time as well as seasoned authors, working with major publishing houses, as well as regional publishers that handle niche markets. Rita looks for projects that present familiar subjects freshly or lesser-known subjects commercially, and her list spans health, history, parenting, music, how-to, popular science, business, biography, sports, popular reference, cooking, writing, humor, spirituality, illustrated books and general interest titles.


Here are my favourite takeaways from my conversation with Rita:


-Agents are looking for books that further the conversation and stretch our understanding of how we see things. Ask yourself, how is your book adding something new/different to the conversation? Be sure to make that clear in your query letter and proposals.


-Be discoverable. Concentrate on being visible in the marketplace. Where can agents and publishers find you in the online space? How do you show up? This gives them an indication of what they can expect from you in terms of book marketing support when it comes to selling and promoting your book. If you have an existing and growing platform and audience, it can give agents and publishers confidence that there’s a market for your book, even if it’s a niche or highly competitive one.


-Writing a memoir? More than any other category, the bar is high for memoirs. How does your story bring something new to the universal stories we’ve already read and experienced? Think about how you can break out from the pack with your book—what really makes it different and how can it stand out? Why should agents and readers care?


-Finally, even traditional published authors need to approach promoting their book as if they were self-publishing it. Much of it will be on you and up to you. What’s your plan to generate book sales, and do you have what it takes to pull it off?


Self-publishing success story


Where there is a will, there is a way…


Last week I discovered a self-published author who had 200,000+ downloads of her book. Her strategy is something most traditional published authors don’t have control over and cannot execute by themselves, which gives self-published authors a competitive edge, particularly in the first year of their book.


Her secret: Kindle Unlimited and KDP Select, programs that make her book widely available, affordable and accessible to readers around the world and across the digital space.


That and making her first book free.


Depending on your goals and desired outcomes, making your book free could be all the advertising you need to make your debut a success and get those first readers through your door.


Final thoughts…


I know this newsletter is running long this week, but I just wanted to share something one of my clients sent me this morning. (Thanks, Troy!)


I love this perspective from Jon Bon Jovi, which should put any creator's self-doubt to rest. “If it comes from that pure place, chances are, it’s going to hit that pure place for someone else.”


Have a listen here.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The key to a best-selling book 🤩 ... Plus, a new era in publishing

Eight years ago, I stopped half way through my run, stared across the lake at downtown Toronto, and decided that I was never going back to work in the city again.


No more racing after the train, subways, stuck in traffic and sobbing over the steering wheel of my car because my kids are always the last ones picked up from daycare and it still isn’t enough at the office.


No more getting calls from the school and telling the teacher there is no way I can pick up my sick kid because by the time I make it home, school will be over anyway.


I closed that back door all the way shut and committed myself to a life of entrepreneurship—I would never work for anyone else ever again. 


Turns out, I’m my own worst boss 🤪


As a sole business owner, I work round the clock, including weekends, and last Friday that day started at 4am and ended at 11pm, and spilled over to Saturday and Sunday too.


But I’m building a team to help me grow, as I keep telling my kids. I love my work (maybe a little too much). And I still have the flexibility I’ve always wanted, to volunteer at my daughter’s school, look after my kids on sick days at home, and even squeeze in a little “me” time while everyone else is away at work and school.


Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Much like writing a book, it takes a lot of courage and persistence and determination and get up and go and a village to cheer you forward on good days, and pick you back up on bad ones, but making that call was the best decision I ever made.


Back then, staring out across the water, I was afraid of leaving the “security” of my job and stepping off the corporate ladder. 


Now I know that was just fear and scarcity talking.


Sometimes you gotta decide: What’s bigger, your fear or your desire?


In the words of Florence and the Machine, “It’s hard to dance with the Devil on your back, so shake it off.”


Shake off that fear, because you and I, we’ve got dancing to do. 

Cat xo


The secret to a best-selling book


My client Joe Lyons-Rising recently launched his book Pain Remixed: Navigating Life with Trauma, Grief, Depression and Anxiety.


Part memoir, part self-help, the book is a dream come true for this author who admits it was years in the making. (Until he met me, that is – wink-wink.)


I recently caught up with Joe, whose book has reached best-seller status on Amazon in multiple categories. (Congrats again, Joe! You rocked it!)


Joe shared with me his secret to best-selling success, and do you want to know what that was?


Asking for the sale.


Joe personally DM’d everyone he knew and many that he didn’t, asking them to buy and support his book.


As a result, he became a best-seller in at least 3 categories, ranking in the Top 20. 🏆


Now I can’t promise you’ll sell books no matter how many podcasts you get on.

Or morning shows.

Or from any other media or influencer coverage.


But looking at Joe’s example, I feel pretty confident in saying, that if you ask everyone you know to buy your book, you will likely fare better than most.


The rise of self-publishing — a new era in publishing


Fans of the Tilt newsletter no doubt saw this piece about self-publishing bypassing traditional publishing in number of titles. (Thanks, Lori, for the heads-up!)


In its most recent report, Bowker found that the number of self-published titles with ISBNs rose 7.2% in 2023 over 2022, topping 2.6 million.


By comparison, the number of traditionally published titles fell 3.6%, to 563,019.


In the article, Draft2Digital’s Mark Coker is quoted as saying, “[It used to be that] self-publishing was viewed as the publishing option of last resort.” Today, self-publishing is the “option of choice” for many authors, as it offers greater control over their “pricing, promotion, and distribution,” allowing indie authors to connect with their audiences “faster, and more profitably.” 💰


The tide is turning, and it’s looking like money in the bank—"industry observers estimate that annual sales of self-published is in the billions of dollars”—and even publishing deals, with a growing number of traditional publishers in 2024 signing major deals for previously self-published books and series, particularly in the genres of romance, horror and romantasy. Several traditional publishers have even created imprints and programs dedicated to bringing in self-published authors. 


If you were waiting for self-publishing books to be more “legit” before hopping on the bandwagon, it’s already here. It might be a publishing path worth exploring for your next book.


PS: Want to know more about self-publishing versus traditional publishing? (I can help you with both!) I’ve opened my calendar to chat with a few people about their options and can help you find the best path forward for YOU. Click here to book a call with me.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

How writing is like foreplay (and other things you won’t hear from other coaches)…plus 6 ways to monetize your book

How are you cultivating your creativity?


For me, mindset is everything.


What that looks like is boundaries, and protecting my mind space.

I have days for coaching calls. Days for potential partnerships calls. Days for connection and building relationships and what feels a lot like making new friends at the playground.


Then I have head down and write days. Edit days. Days where I shut myself off from the world as much as possible for the kind of deep focused work that only happens over longer stretches of time.


I do my writing and any creativity work first thing in the morning, and most days, I don’t take calls before noon. I warm up with a run or if it’s raining, indoor workout. Play some music. Make the bed. (Foreplay.) All the while whatever story or piece of content I’m mulling over is turning over and over in mind, so by the time I get to my computer I can’t wait to drive it home.


I’m an entrepreneur and I own my own business, so that helps—I finally have control over my schedule and my time (ish).


But just because you run your calendar doesn’t mean you have it optimized for performance.


So how can you better structure your days so you can give your best to everything you get to be and do? Decide what your priorities are first, then let your days fill up around that.


Cat xo


6 ways to monetize your book


You didn’t hear it from me, but most of my clients are making waaaaaaay more money off their book derivatives than the book itself. After all, how many books would you need to sell to match a high-ticket client who read your book and just had to work with you? Or a speaking engagement you landed because your book caught the eye of an event organizer?


How many books sold add up to the price of one of your online courses or workshops?


How many books sold can match the value of an enhanced brand, more authority as an expert in your space, free media exposure and guest podcast interviews?


Don’t get me wrong—as an author and publishing consultant, I want to sell as many books as I can.


But also, I know there’s a lot more money—and opportunity—to be had when you have a book to leverage.


Lead generation, speaking engagements, spin off courses and workshops, “free” advertising, enhanced brand, growing platform and audience reach—these are all the benefits that come with being a published author.


So what are you waiting for?


PS: What’s between you and a published book? Fill out my survey here for the chance to get a free ticket to my book launch workshop!




Do you love books? I’m giving away free books over at up for the chance to win a signed copy from one of my author friends!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

If it’s good enough for Taylor Swift 🤔 ... Plus, should you self-publish? And how to social proof your book

One of my clients has a first edition copy of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich worth thousands of dollars. Recently, a collection of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone first editions sold for over a HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars. 💸


I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time I read or heard that ANYONE paid anything as much for a Tweet, Facebook post or even YouTube video.


Today, content is cheap, even though the time, energy and resources we all put into creating it is quite an investment. Few people are actually willing to pay anything for it—which is why most of the newspapers and magazines we used to subscribe to have fallen away. Instead of buying records, CDs and even theatre tickets, must of us pay a token subscription fee to Spotify and Netflix, and if artists and creators don’t play along, we’ll simply move on to the next one because we have a world of entertainment to choose from and never enough time to consume it all.


But books? Books may be one of the few things in life that continue to increase in value. Like the Bible, they endure. Through book burnings and censorship, library purges and exile. (As you can tell, I have a thing for rebel authors.) Through the rise of the Internet and social media and everyone everywhere having access to everything all the time. Through Kindle and audiobooks, Amazon and even AI.


I can’t tell the future, but by looking at the past, I’d say books are not going anywhere soon. And if Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is any indication, their value will only continue to rise. As will any author who endeavours to contribute to our collective canon.


Cat xo


Should you self-publish your book?


Last week, Taylor Swift set the internet on fire by announcing she would self-publish her next book, through her own imprint.


Self-publishing under her new Taylor Swift Publications, Swift’s 256-page Eras Tour book is scheduled to be released on Black Friday as a Target exclusive. 


Should I self-publish my book is a question I get a lot from authors. And here’s my long answer:


By self-publishing, Swift can expect to keep more of the revenue than typical celebrity memoir deals and traditional published authors. She is also able to control the creative content of her book and release it sooner.


On the other hand, self-published authors don’t have the same access to distribution, media, promotion and staff who are often part of the engine that helps traditional published authors succeed in the marketplace.


As a traditional published author myself, who helps self-published authors write, publish and market their books, my short answer to that question is it really depends on what YOU want out of publishing your book.


Do you want control over every aspect of it? Do you want to publish it sooner, and keep more of the profits?


Or would you gladly hand over a cut of your book sales for help with editing, publishing and marketing your book? Do you seek in-store and wider distribution? (Book store representation is an uphill battle for self-published authors.)


Today most of us are our own distribution channels. 🤩 Like Swift, many of us have Facebook friends, Linkedin and Instagram followers, and YouTube and Substack subscribers. We may have a substantial email and newsletter list (if not, start building one!). We may even have events—talks, workshops, conferences—we can sell our book at.  


It’s quite possible we don’t need bookstores in order to sell our books. And if our pockets are deep enough, we can still pay to have our book stocked in select stores and bookshelves.


So do you need a fairy godmother literary agent and publisher to grant your wish of getting published? Not anymore. But do you still want one? That’s a question only you can answer.


PS: If you have more questions about publishing paths and writing a book, feel free to reach out and schedule a discovery call with me. I’ve opened some times in November, so grab them before they’re gone!


Who will endorse your book? 


As many of us know, a big part of marketing your book is social proofing: Getting others to review, like and share your book on Amazon, Goodreads, social media and more.


Something traditional publishers do well that self-published authors often overlook is the power of a good blurb: When someone who is well-known/well-respected endorses your book on your front or back cover, or inside your book. 👏


As you begin to finalize your manuscript, you might find yourself ready to reach out to potential book blurbers, but building those relationships and goodwill well before then is essential.


When thinking about WHO would make for a great book blurb, consider:


-Who has an audience that you want to call to you for your book?


-Who is well respected in the genre/industry/space you want to see your book in?


Sometimes, that can lead to two very different groups, and that’s okay too. But don’t leave it until the last minute, when you’re ready to hit publish, because reachouts can take time. Finding people to say yes can take time. And reading your book to review it also takes time.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The best advice I ever gave to a writer… Plus how to write a book in 6 months, 3 months, 12 days

Just breathe.

I was on a coaching call with one of my authors. She was trying to figure out how to keep up the momentum and stick with writing her book while on her vacation. She would be travelling with 12 other people, sharing sleeping spaces, their calendars packed morning to night.

As a book coach who helps busy people make time for their book publishing dreams I did the unthinkable:

I told her to live her life.

One day we’re all going to be dead and all these dreams, as beautiful as they are, won’t matter anymore.

If you’re at all spiritual, as I consider myself to be, I can’t help but think that if I can just love this one person this one time, maybe this moment can matter. Even after everything is said and done.

Dream big, yes. But don’t forget to live your life in the meantime, and love the people you’re with. All we have, really, is this moment. So make the most of it.

One of the best parts for me of On Writing, Stephen King’s book on, well, writing, is when he shares about creating the room of his dreams to write in. He designs this perfect study/library and orders all his family to stay out. And then…crickets.

After some time and dreaded writer’s block, Stephen opens up his study, moves his desk to the middle of the room, and invites his kids and wife to hang out in there. Once again, the ideas start to flow.

Creativity doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Yes we need time for quiet reflection, to receive wisdom and direction from God, the universe, Muse, but also…the best kinds of stories are the ones we write together.

Live your life. Move that writing desk to the centre of the room.Invite others in. And discover the treasures in store for you there.

Cat xo

PS: Oh, and if you want to cry, listen to this Pearl Jam beauty as you watch the leaves turn orange and…just…breathe.

PPS: Last week I got first copies of my book, and held off on the reveal until after my mom’s birthday. This moment is everything.

How launching a book is like a start-up business

I’ve been talking about and sharing one very special book with everyone I meet lately, so I absolutely must share this with you now.

Even traditionally published authors know they can’t count on their publishing houses anymore to do the heavy promotional lifting, and if you’re self publishing, you’ll need all the help you can get to help your book rise above the rest.

Which is why I love Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth.

Launching a book is like launching a start-up in a way: Teams are small, money is stretched. But you do have one thing your competition doesn’t have—the ability to move quickly, stealthfully, with an ear that’s closer to the street.

I call this stealth marketing, and it’s what I’m committed to exploring and exploiting with my authors. How we can create the most impact with the fewest resources.

It starts with asking, what’s in your competition’s gap, that you can nudge yourself into, carving out a space for your book?

And what special strengths and relationships do you have that you can leverage, to help your book travel?

That’s where I invite you to go with your book launch and marketing strategy.

Ask yourself those questions, and whatever you’re building, make reading (or listening to the audiobook of) Traction the number one thing on your to-do list.

PS: I’m opening up a few days and times in November for discovery calls with me, before I wind down for the holidays. If you want to schedule some time to chat about your book and best next steps, grab your spot now before it’s gone.

How to write a book in 6 months or less

Writing a book doesn’t have to take years. In fact, it can take as little as 12 days, as one of my authors managed to do.

All it takes is commitment, declaration and team.

I just shared this breakdown with someone who attended a recent workshop of mine, so I’ll share this here too for anyone embarking on writing a book. Here’s how you write a book in 6 months or less:

Write 500 words a day (approx. one hour a day, depending on the book and the writer)

Write five days a week = 2,500 words a week

= 10,000 words a month

= 60,000 words in 6 months

Want to write your book in 3 months? Double the daily/weekly word count, and halve the months it takes to write it.

And remember, this is just to finish your shitty first draft. The magic is in the editing.

PS: If you’re looking for additional strategies to help you write your book, or accountability to help you finish it, or even an editorial team to help you polish it, schedule a discovery call with me and learn about my packages and programs.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

I f**ked up and here's what I, have you heard this story about Guns N' Roses?

I fucked up and here’s what I learned...


This weekend I was honoured and privileged to have the chance to speak in front of a gorgeous room of soulpreneurs, coaches, experts and thought leaders.


I was invited by my friend Robb Gilbear at Growth Habit to speak about the power of story, in our lives, businesses and contributions to the world.


It happened on short notice but I wanted it to be special, so I created a brand new talk for this specific audience. I had just enough time to build it, but not enough time to rehearse it.


When I arrived at the venue, I was presented with a choice. I had three things to hold—my phone with my notes on it, a microphone and a clicker to click through my slides—but only two hands.


And I had to make a choice


Who did I trust more?


I didn’t choose me.


Despite all the talks and workshops I’ve done in the past, despite a lifetime of knowledge and lessons learned and stories collected and accumulated, despite knowing this subject better than I know myself even, I chose the security of the notes on my phone.


I didn’t trust myself.


And because of that, I gave away the clicker for someone else to control my slideshow, and I pretty much fumbled through my presentation as a result of it.


It was a hard lesson to learn, but one I’ll never forget, and I have a whole new appreciation for the dance my slides and I get to do.


When everything goes right in a creative act, we call it “being in the flow.” Being in the flow is like tuning into a song only you can hear. But you can’t do that when you’re staring at the lyrics sheet. Sometimes you just gotta let go, and see where the music takes you.


So if there’s a tip or an inspiration I leave you with this week, it’s the advice of course that I give everybody else and failed to follow this weekend: Trust yourself. You already know everything you need to know to serve and share your gifts with others.


And NEVER EVER hand over your clicker. 😉


Cat xo


PS: I’m hosting a free online workshop (note free) this Wednesday. We’ll dive into what you need to know about writing, finishing, publishing and marketing your book. Click here to sign up now.


What I Did Right


I did do some things right on Saturday, however, and I want to share those lessons too because those can be just as important:


  • I got to know many of the attendees before my presentation, so I was able to speak directly to them and personalize my talk.

  • I trusted my hunches and intuitions to give powerful feedback and coaching to my fellow entrepreneurs as we masterminded our businesses through the afternoon, creating breakthroughs for them, and for myself.

  • I allowed myself to learn from others and be curious about different perspectives, approaches and possibilities. As a result I’ll be pivoting on a strategy I was working on for a group coaching program I’m launching soon (more on this to come)—to make it ever stretchier for me, and more impactful for my authors. 🔥


To catch Robb’s next event, sign up for his newsletter, where he shares great advice on messaging, connecting with your ideal client and building a business—and life—you love.


Have you heard this about Guns N’ Roses?


A friend of mine is best friends with Slash, so I’ve heard A LOT of Guns N’ Roses stories over the years. 🤯


But what my friend Dan Blank shared in a recent newsletter of his blew me away.


He talked about the REAL secret to success for the legendary band, and it’s not what you think.


Turns out long before summits and Click Funnels, bands like the Gunners were avid fans of building email lists to stay connected to their fans.


And Axel and his crew took it even one step further—not only would they email their list, but they would even CALL THEM one by one, to invite them to their shows.


I mean, can you imagine?


It really takes the shine off their supposed nonchalant, devil-may-care rock band image. But as an entrepreneur, I am sooooo impressed. And inspired.


It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game when you’re building a business, or promoting a book. And we can be so quick to forget to appreciate each and every soul who has lent their support and encouragement.


But if Guns N’ Roses’ success is indication, that’s a playbook I want to learn from and emulate.


How about you?


PS: Dan has a great newsletter that comes out each week, with tips and advice for building your author brand and platform. Click here to check out his latest and subscribe.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

We interrupt this program to bring you this important message: Who’s ready to jump with me? 😁🙌🏼

See, the problem is: You’re thinking too small.


When it comes to passion projects, without a big, bold, badass vision, you’re going to give up, set aside and put off your dream—whether that’s a book you want to write, or a business you want to build.


Back in my magazine editor days, I wrote a story about extreme sports, which gave me the chance to sample things I would never try in real life—like UFC-style grappling and Parkour.


I’m so grateful for the chance, because my Parkour instructor taught me something I’ll never forget about faith.


He ordered me to scale a wall.


“Wait—you want me to run into a wall?!”


It went against everything I’d been taught or knew about self-preservation.


Yet he explained, if I didn’t want to end up mangled and broken, I needed to believe. I needed to see it done.


Most importantly, he told me that if I hesitated, I wouldn’t stand a chance.


The goal was to run at the wall with all the force of someone who knows they’re going to overcome it. It’s the only way to achieve something that’s never been done before—by you, and in your lifetime.


My book Again, Only More Like You is launching next spring. A traditional publisher is backing it, and Simon & Schuster is distributing it. It has been many years of highs (signed out of the gates by a top literary agent and agency) and lows (book not selling to one of the Big Five in its first year of submission), not to mention tens and maybe even hundreds of revisions.


No matter what anyone said to me, or how many publishers loved it but turned it down because it “wasn’t the right fit” or the right time, I knew, without a doubt, that they just didn’t get it. Because I had already seen it done.


Eventually I did find the perfect publisher for me and my book. And the timing, for so many reasons, could not be more perfect. (Like my friend Robb G said to me the other day, “Is it odd, or is it God?”)


As Beetlejuice star Michael Keeton said in a Smartless interview, when the hosts asked him about his wide-ranging choice in roles and how they ran counterintuitive to building a successful acting career: “I always bet on me.”


I wouldn’t have gotten this far if I didn’t have faith. If I didn’t have the vision of meeting my readers in bookstores and getting the chance to hug them. If I didn’t give it everything I had, and run at it full force, with all the confidence of someone who has seen the future and is just waiting for everyone else to catch up and join the fun.


So run at your dream. Jump so far and so high that there’s no chance you won’t make it, because you dared to dream that big, and see that far past the obstacles.


And always bet on you. (And on God.)


Cat xo


PS: I’m loving this song today. I hope this makes your day!


Writing tip of the week: How to build a personal brand people love


I was preparing for my mastermind group when a fellow mastermind member put a question in the chat about marketing and social media. He was wondering how to “brand” himself.


If that’s you too and you’re wondering, what is my brand? Maybe you’re even wondering, who am I to have a personal brand? (If so, as someone who has overcome a lot of “I’m not worthy”/imposter syndrome, I feel you!)


Guess what, you already have one. The people who know and love you already know what you’re about. They know what they can expect and come to you for, and they know your heart. You just get to remove the distance between that and the people you don’t know…yet.


The way I help authors do this is by asking: what do you stand for? And how do you want to make people feel? How will they know they can trust you and that you won’t hurt them, betray them, let them down? How are you an expert at what you do?


Then through your stories, show this so new people/audiences/viewers can understand this at a glance, just by looking at your Instagram grid, YouTube channel and landing page.


When all is said and done, the only things people will remember about you are your stories and how you made them feel. 


Let your personal brand be a reflection of this. 👆


PS: Hi I’m Cat, and I’m an author, book coach and mom of 4. I help people by sharing my stories and empowering others to discover theirs so we can be transformed by them. If that sounds like a movement you want to be part of, come join me at my free workshop next Wednesday where I’ll share how to write, finish, publish and market your book. Sign up here and feel free to invite some of your favourite people along. 


How to start a movement


Friday is my birthday and—besides getting tickets to a Taylor Swift concert for me and my daughter (hello, if you can spare any, hit me up!)—I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate than by workshopping my business with like-minded creatives, soulpreneurs and people doing bold shit.


So I was extra thrilled when the host, my friend and client Robb Gilbear, invited me to speak at the event as well. I’ll be talking about how to turn your story into a book and how to turn your book into a movement.


It’s taking place this Saturday in Toronto, so if you’re in town and want to have a blast building your brand, business and impact, come join me. Come join us!


Click here to get your ticket.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

What to do when you get stuck… Plus how to make writing the best part of your day ✨

October is my birthday month and safe to say, I’ve started celebrating already. I’ve already seen Beetlejuice 1 & 2 (you can’t beat the first, though Michael Keaton holds strong, and Monica Bellucci is, as always, mesmerizing).


I’ve been pampering myself as much as I can, in the small windows of me-time that I have, including an extra-long run this morning to some of my favourite moody artists (Nick Cave, Kurt Vile, PJ Harvey—don’t they just ooze fall?).


And as much as I have a tower of manuscripts to edit, and the list of books in my TBR pile keeps growing, I couldn’t help but indulge my inner Winona Ryder last night by cracking open Grady Hendrix’s My Best Friend’s Exorcism, because to be honest, everything I’ve read since The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires last fall has paled in comparison.


I guess I’m sharing this glimpse into my own private world because there are seasons for living out loud, chasing goals and going hard. And there are seasons for quieter reflection, to do things just for the fun of it, to honour and stoke those creative fires. 


And also because, as much as us humans like to master and be the master of things, not least of all ourselves, Muse is a tricksy, fickle, slippery thing. Creative sparks don’t always happen when we expect or command, but rather when we stop, listen and follow.


I guess where I’m going with this is sometimes you know where you’re going, but sometimes—like this message—you don’t until you get there. Sometimes writing, creating, looks like stepping off a cliff into the great unknown, when you’re open to what you might discover there.


Cat xo


PS: I’m hosting a FREE book publishing workshop in a couple of weeks. If you want to know more about how to write, finish, publish and marketing a book before you take that leap of faith, sign up here.


Writing tip of the week: Are you having any fun?


I was chatting with a client recently who was struggling to meet her commitment to her book. Digging underneath it we discovered that she had made her book a have to, versus a get to.


There are so many things we HAVE to do—laundry, cooking, cleaning, homework, bookkeeping, going to the gym. I don’t want writing to be a have to as well—for me or my writers.


For me, going on long walks/runs in nature feels like selfcare. It’s also where most of my ideas come from and where I get my best writing done.


For you, though, what would make the writing experience delicious? Could it be creating a cozy writer’s nook, one decorated with beautiful artwork to inspire you? Lighting candles with some of your favourite fragrances? Is it a weekend retreat in cottage country? Or an overnight in a fancy hotel room?


Think about what would make the writing experience fun/exciting/enticing. Then go do it. (And let me know—I’d love to hear!)


PS: If you would like someone to help you get unstuck in your writing so you can achieve your book publishing dreams, hit reply to schedule a discovery call with me and see if we can make magic together! Or sign up for my next free workshop here.


Comps that Click: The Art of Finding Your Perfect Comp Title


One of the hardest things for an author to do can be finding the perfect comp titles for your book. 


Comps are books that are similar to yours, and identifying the right ones can help you position your book for success – but only if you do it right!


Whether you're querying agents and publishers, or marketing your self-published book to readers, listen to my interview with literary agent Léonicka Valcius to discover her tips for choosing the perfect comp titles to elevate your pitch and make your book stand out.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The truth about super heroes…plus the best thing I learned from personal development

If not you, who?


One of the reasons why I wanted to publish my book after writing it, versus stowing it away in the depths of my basement crawl space, is because by the time I wrote it, I hadn’t found a book, movie, TV show or even song, really, that I could relate to.


All around me, people were telling stories with characters who didn’t look like me, talk like me, or face the same problems that I faced. And if I didn’t have anyone to look up to, as an example of what was possible, how the hell was I going to make it happen for myself?


We all need heroes. And the best ones don’t wear capes or have superpowers. They’re just normal, average people, sucking at life and scared as hell and trying to figure out their next step. Sometimes they get it right, most of the time they don’t. But when they do…. Man, that’s the good stuff right there.


You probably don’t feel like a hero…yet. You’re probably not where you hoped you’d be, or as successful as you think you need to be to have a say. Or a platform. Or a seat at the table. Maybe you think you need to be bigger, richer, more famous, before you can write your book or do that thing—you know, that thing?—that you’ve been thinking, dreaming about.


But I’m going to tell you—and I hope you’re really paying attention here—you are exactly the kind of hero the world needs today. And your story matters a whole helluva lot.


There’s a line in Dr. Seuss’ book The Lorax that I love: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”


You’re that someone. Believe it. And if you won’t believe yourself, believe me.


Cat xo


Man versus Machine


Speaking of heroes, one person who is that for me is Angus Fletcher, Professor of Story Science at Ohio State's Project Narrative. Angus is on a mission to revolutionize the power of story and how we teach it to our kids.


I had the chance to interview Angus a few years back and I was sooooooooooo relieved to hear that he didn’t believe AI could ever replace us when it comes to that most human function of storytelling.


Not only that, but he also identified something I believe to be true as well—that the problem with the world today is that we’re stuck in the wrong kinds of stories.


Which means… stories—more of them—could be the very thing that saves us.


As Angus says, “The reason I think we are having so many problems as a society is because we are caught in a loop of the same stories…The number one thing you can do is say to yourself, ‘There are more stories. I can create them.’”


There are more stories than we’re being sold on today. Consider it your civic duty to share yours.


PS: Sign up for my newsletter to catch the rest of my interview with Angus.


The best thing I learned from personal development…


Any Smartless fans here?


Recently I was listening to an interview on the show with Jared Leto (yes, the Jordan Catalano, for my fellow My So-Called Lifers).


In it, Jared shares, “I love to be the dumbest guy in the room. I think that’s a fascinating room to be in.” Jared continues, “It’s great to continue to learn new things. It’s great to be a beginner.”


It’s a revealing posture for the the multi-talented actor-singer-visual artist (Fight Club, Thirty Seconds to Mars) and probably explains why he’s been able to keep us watching and engaged for so many years and films.


Who you hang around with matters. If you want to do a Ted talk, how many speakers do you know? If you want to launch a new business, how many business owners do you meet with regularly? If you want to write a book, how many authors, editors and marketers do you bounce your ideas off of?


Not only can they offer awesome feedback, but they can also share their lessons to save you time and money, and help you from falling into the same traps and mistakes that they did.


Since I started my personal development journey, I’ve sought out opportunities to be the dumbest person in the room, where I could learn from others who are already way further in their journey in entrepreneurship, leadership or story mastery. Thinking, or pretending, you know it all won’t get you as far as surrounding yourself with people who can get you there faster.


So surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are also levelling up their craft, business and impact. Bring your questions. And while you’re there, trust that you have something of value to give as well.


PS: Want to quantum leap your book progress? Doors are opening on my next book publishing accelerator cohort. I have a few spots left for authors looking to publish their book next year, and who are ready to get the ball rolling this month. Email me at to schedule a discovery call with me and see if this is the right program for you.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Celebrating wins, plus the secret to making habits stick

Celebrating wins, plus the secret to making habits stick.

The past couple of weeks have been huge for me. I’m celebrating wins like…


-I got picked as a speaker-presenter at the CAPS (Canadian Association of Professional Speakers) Convention in Costa Rica in December!


-Authors that I totally admire are saying yes to blurbing my book!


-One of my author-clients finished her book in 2 weeks and delivered a gorgeous first draft to me! (We set stretchy and attainable goals and created a plan of action, plus workshopped her outline, to get her there—it was not a fluke. 😂)


-I hosted a kickass mastermind with my incredible group of author-members who are doing cool shit like hanging out with Russell Brunson and attending the Emmy’s! (Message me if you want to learn more about joining us for the next one.)


-AND I’ve locked in my dream venue for my book launch next spring! (Sign up for my #AOMLY newsletter for the chance to be invited to the party.)




-My son got his first job—as a lifeguard!


-The twins now have their own rooms!


-My daughter has a big girl desk and chair and somehow, her shoebox room looks bigger because of it!




I can!


Usually, the best part about winning, for me, is that it means I get to move on to my next dream/goal/passion project.


Because, if I’ll be honest, it comes from a lifetime of not feeling, well, good enough.


And now that I KNOW I am, there’s just that much more I’m excited to do, have and become.


But it hit me a couple of weeks ago, that if we fail to celebrate our wins, we miss the chance to…


-Be grateful


-Acknowledge our teams, processes and leadership that contribute to our wins


-Build positive habits (more on this below)


So I’m committing to celebrating my wins and encouraging my writers and team members to do the same.


Like Sarah MacLauchlan sings in Ice Cream, “It’s a long way down to the place where we started.”


You and I have come a long way, baby. So acknowledge it.


’Kay, your turn ;)


Cat xo


PS: What are you celebrating today/this week/this year? Let me know. I’d love to hear it!

Cat’s Mastermind Top Takeaways


At last week's mastermind, I had the chance to catch up with my author-members, who have been busy prepping for Ted talks, launching events and so much more, in addition to writing books. They shared their wins, their struggles and their lessons along the way. 


Here are some of my favourite takeaways: 

  • Keeping your vision and your "why" for writing the book front and centre can boost your energy around writing your book and fuel you through your journey to the finish line.

  • Did you know that there are sponsors out there who are willing to purchase your book in bulk for events, groups and more? Make that a part of your book marketing strategy!

  • When planning your book launch and podcast tour, remember to budget space and time for other book marketing strategies as well as to catch up on rest and self care.

  • If you're appearing on other peoples' podcasts, have your call to action drive listeners to a page you control, and your email list, so you can keep nurturing those relationships. 


Sorry you missed it? Ask me about joining my next mastermind.

How to Build a Writing Habit


One of the things I help my authors do is build a writing habit. That looks like workshopping the optimal days/times to work on their book and helping them stay accountable to it (or helping them shift to a new strategy if that one doesn’t work out).


Personally, when I’m on a writing sprint/deadline, I make it my goal to touch my book at least once a day, preferably first thing in the morning, so it can work in the background of my mind for the rest of the day.


Just as, by working out at the start of the day, you kickstart your metabolism so it continues to burn energy at an accelerated rate for the rest of the day…


Similarly, by writing first thing in the morning, you begin a mental process that will have your subconscious continue to work on your book for the rest of the day, bringing you new ideas to implement.


The thing about creating a habit is…you can’t do it through willpower alone. It’s chemical, actually.


Celebrating wins is the key to creating a habit. It fuels a craving/desire to keep showing up and to follow through, which supports future successes.


And what’s the best way to celebrate and create that craving/desire? Have a payoff for good behaviour ;)


That means celebrating wins, not just once the project/goal is completed, but at every step along the way.


What that can look like is…


-For short-terms wins/celebrations: Treating yourself to a Netflix show/podcast episode AFTER you’ve met your daily word count target—to reinforce that daily habit with feel-good hormones, which encourages you to show up again tomorrow.


-For long-term wins/celebrations: Promising to buy yourself a new outfit from that store you’ve been eyeing, once you’ve completed your first draft, to help you keep your energy and enthusiasm up through to the finish line.


So, quick, how do you build a writing habit?

-Celebrate your wins (short term and long term!) to get those feel-good hormones working for you, to reinforce positive habit building and create a craving for more growth/progress/wins.

-Find the optimal time of day to write that you can be consistent with, even if it’s just 20 minutes a day.

-Back up your clock and join the 6am club or 5am club, if you have trouble finding time to write once your day gets started.

-Find an accountability partner/group to support you in your positive habit building journey. (I just happen to know one ;) Message me for deets.)


PS: Have a question about how to create a writing habit, get an agent, outline your book, and whether you should self-publish or not? Schedule a discovery call with me and find the right program and path to publishing for you. 

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

I’m ba-ack! Plus: Doing it scared, and tools for writers

I'm ba-ack! Plus: Doing it scared, plus tools for writers and authors

It’s been a summer 😂


I pretty much got swallowed up by my kids – between birthdays, broken arms (for two different kids!), bedroom makeovers, beach getaways and erratic camp schedules, there hasn’t been much time leftover for me.


But I DID manage to reinvent my website (hurrah!) and finish the next (final?) edit for my book Again, Only More Like You, which launches next spring. From here, ARCs (advanced review copies) will go to reviewers and the widespread panic that us authors feel as our books begin to hit the streets will set in.


It’s said that having a child is like having a piece of your heart walking around outside your body. And the same could be said of a book.


I’m still getting used to the idea that people even know it exists, never mind prying into the contents inside.


It’s terrifying, not least because after reading this latest iteration, I never realized that I swear so much. 🤣


It’s hard to put yourself out there like this. To stand naked for everyone to judge and point fingers at. To be seen.


So why the hell do we do it? Because the thought that this book, these words, might encourage and inspire someone to take a leap of faith, pursue their happy, laugh, cry, feel loved, seen and appreciated it, is worth what any a---hole might say about my attempt to put some good out in the world. (There I go again, foul mouth!)


If you’re writing a book, no doubt you’ve experienced some of the same fears. But like I reminded an author friend recently, we do it scared


Plus, I dare you.


Cat xo


PS: If you do want to follow my journey to the book shelf and get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what the path to publication looks like, sign up here for my #AOMLY newsletter.

 There’s a group for that!


Another thing I’ve been building in the background this summer is my community. And today, I'm inviting you to join my book publishing membership. Here's why:


My vision for this membership is to give you everything I wish I had as a newbie author, and everything I need now as an author launching her book next spring. Everything I've ever learned and everything I'm seeking out next—I want to give it to you. And the membership is the way I can do that, and help the most people.


From monthly group coaching sessions and masterminds to help you with book publishing, book marketing, crafting a novel and monetizing your book, to our weekly write-ins and prompts, seasonal writing challenges, guest speakers, Slack #authorlife community, and more—it's all included with the price of a monthly membership.


I hope you'll join us, because I have big plans for this group. Most of all camaraderie, support, mentorship and knowledge sharing. Basically, this membership is your built-in team, and we're committed to your book publishing success. 


Sign up today and receive your invite to our next monthly mastermind, weekly write-ins, guest speaker events, Slack community and more.


PS: If you're not sure if the membership or 1-1 coaching with me is the better fit for you, email me at to schedule a discovery call with me and explore the best program for you. 

 Resources for writers


At one of my masterminds this summer, the group and I shared our go-to tools and resources for making our books happen. Here’s a list we came up with:


Reedsy: Great for first draft, accountability and tracking progress.


Scrivener: Great for editing and revising a manuscript.


Save the Cat beat sheet: Great for workshopping your protagonist’s hero’s journey and making sure the right moments shine at the right time. 


AEON Timeline: Great for keeping track of story timelines.


Manuscript Wish List: To help you with your search for agents and publishers if you’re going the traditional publishing route.


Lulu: Questions about self-publishing? Here’s a fantastic resource from Lulu, which helps you self-publish your book, right to your website.


PS: Have a question about how to get an agent, how to outline your book, and whether you should self-publish or not? Email me at hello@passionprojectpod.coms to chedule a discovery call with me and find the right program and path to publishing for you. 

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