How to create a writing habit in 60 minutes, plus 15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed

What if you really valued the journey more than the goal?


What if you saw the adventure you’re on, the goal you’re chasing, as an opportunity for growth, rather than a means to an end? How would that change your approach? Could it give you more courage to try and fail? Would less of your identity depend on you being successful? Because you already acknowledged that, like learning to surf, falling on your ass and getting back up again is baked into the experience? Would you perhaps experience more joy, then, along the way? And see it more as an act of play and curiosity?


It got me thinking about Jesus. Think about it: He didn’t need his 12 disciples to help him spread the Word. He was the son of God! So why did he enlist them? Because adopting that humble posture of needing help created an opportunity for others to grow in their faith, courage and love by helping him.


If you look at it that way, the goal (spreading the Word of God) is just a vehicle for change (growing in faith, courage and love).


AI tells me that growth mindset is “the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning, rather than being fixed or innate. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view setbacks as learning opportunities, and find inspiration in the success of others.”


And that feels about right but what if growth mindset is really about doing what’s scary or hard to grow in your faith, courage and love? What if that's the goal? What if it’s the whole point?


Cat xo


How to create a writing habit in 60 minutes


I just coached an author who is new to writing and beginning to work on her book on how to get started. Through my coaching, I landed on what is the perfect formula, I think, and it draws on many of the practices that have worked for me and my authors.


So here goes...


Ready for it?


This is what it looks like (in no particular order):


20 minutes of writing your book

(You can get your feet wet and start with journalling if you like.)


20 minutes of reading

(It can be books on writing, like Stephen King's On Writing, or books in and outside of your genre--I had an author who literally inhaled 15 books recently and came out an incredible author on the other side. Osmosis baby!)


20 minutes of "listening"

(This can be praying, meditating or simply taking a walk in the woods with your Airpods off--the whole point is to listen for God, Source, Spirit, Muse, your inner voice, whatever/whoever, and allowing space for answers to come from outside of you. Trust me, it works!)


If you can do these 3 things every day, I'm confident, you'll grow into a terrific writer and author in no time. Consistency = momentum!


15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed


Okay, I just listened to some phenomenal coaching from Alex Hormozi, that I just have to share. I need to listen to this at least 3 more times to get all the golden nuggets inside, but here's the link so you can listen for yourself. As I wrote to my son while I was sending him this link, if you want to succeed at business, Alex is the number one guy to learn from. But he's amazing at teaching how to win at life in general as well. Click here to listen to Alex Hormozi's 15 Brutally Honest Truths You Have to Understand to Succeed.


Excuse me while I ugly cry for a minute... Plus how I'm using AI to grow my business