Have you heard this before?

This morning I woke up to this message:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Then I met with a prospective client, who said the same thing:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Needless to say, that in 1 hour I helped her figure out that it wasn’t just one book she gets to write, but 3 different ones, for 3 different audiences!

So how did I do it?

Well, 25+ years honing my storytelling skills as a journalist certainly helps. Not just in seeing the story behind the story, but seeing how it plays out across audiences and platforms and time.

That’s a little hard to distill here into a handy tip or two to share with you, but here’s this:

If you find yourself saying:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Do these 2 things:

1) Ask yourself, what was it about what you were sharing in that moment that prompted someone else to make that remark?

2) What makes you excited about writing about that?

There. Now you know what book your audience wants to read, and why you want to write it.

Cat xo

PS: I know writing a book can seem scary and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Message me and I’ll help you connect with the joy of storytelling.


Is the thing you’re getting stuck on keeping you stuck?


Save the date for my Magical You virtual retreat!