Hitting the pause button, plus lessons learned
Our lizard died. Possible cause: Impaction (aka, extreme constipation).
Turns out living on sand is not the best thing for a leopard print gecko, even though that’s what the pet store recommended when we bought her.
Now that I know impaction is a thing, for our next gecko/lizard pet, I’m choosing a soil substrate. The kids and I will make a concerted effort to track her poops. If there’s a lag in that department, we’ll give her warm baths twice a day, and switch out crickets for worms. And we’ll also closely monitor her temperatures as cooler temps or temp fluctuations can also contribute to impaction.
The lesson is, you don’t know what you don’t know. Now that we know, we can have a better outcome, and even share our knowledge with others, as I’m doing with you.
If we had had a lizard coach or exotic pets mentor, we might have avoided this whole unfortunate demise. Our gecko could be thriving right now, rather than buried in the backyard, and we could have saved time, money, energy and heartache.
So my question for you, as it is for myself is, where else could you be leaning on someone else’s experience and knowledge to achieve a better outcome in your life or goals? And who do you get to reach out to today, to take steps toward that?
For me, I’m lucky to have so many clients who are coaches and experts, who inspire me and share their respective knowledge and expertise with me. One of them has inspired me to do what I’m about to do next:
Letting you know that I’ll be taking this month off from my newsletters and social media posting to enjoy the fine weather and focus on my family, clients and my own books, and make the most of my kids’ summer holiday before they go back to school.
Enjoy this time, and see you in September.
Cat xo
PS: I’ll still be checking my emails in the meantime, so feel free to reach out to hello@passionprojectpod.com if you have a question about writing, publishing and coaching.