How committed are you?

How committed are you?

Someone shared this quote from basketball coach Pat Riley with me last week, which I love:

“There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in between.”

Wanting something, is a desire.

Committing to it, requires sacrifice and persistence.

Either you’re committed to making something happen, hopefully with the highest level of excellence possible for you, or you’re just floating on the lazy river of desire.

Don’t get me wrong—I love my lazy rivers. But I don’t actually count on them to get me anywhere. 

That’s why I love sprints. Because commitment is exhausting, LOL.

But after proving this to myself time and time again, I know I can do anything…for a short time.

So whether it’s a getting up at 5am every day for 3 months to finish your first draft, or even a single day fast (as I’m personally psyching myself up to do), believe that you can achieve your dreams, and commit to doing what it takes to make it happen.

Some hacks that have worked for me:

→ Creating a by-when (setting smaller deadlines, aka sprints, can help build the confidence and endurance you need to meet larger ones, for example setting daily word counts that make the overall manuscript goal more manageable)

→ Getting support & accountability (it’s way harder to sell yourself out and self-sabotage when you’ve got a support system cheering you on)

→ Being prepared (anyone who plays sports knows the value of this—mentally preparing for the task ahead, by visualizing the outcome that you want, and strategizing for the challenges you can expect to help you manoeuvre them, essentially planning for the best and the worst)

As I face my latest stretch, I know commitment isn’t the real problem: Belief that I can do it, is. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let self-doubt run my show. How about you?

#mindsetmatters #mindovermatter #tuesday motivation #goalgetter #passionproject


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Q: How do I choose a topic for my non-fiction book?