How to launch, market and sell your book

If you've been reading my emails, you would know by now that I recently got a book deal with a small press publisher in Toronto. (Hurray! 🎉)


But what you might not know is that I was *this* close to self-publishing my book.


That's why I cooked up my next interview series, so I could find out for myself, and my book coaching clients, the best ways to launch, market and sell a book


I'm calling this series SUCCESS STORY: Experts share tools and strategies on how to market, launch and sell your book to reach the largest audience.


And I've lined up an incredible array of experts and guests--including best-selling authors Gabrielle Stone and K. A. Tucker, Nick Uskoski and Tamara Lush from Wattpad, Matt Briel from Lulu Publishing, Damon Courtney from Book Funnel, book marketing experts Dan Blank and Emily Enger, and more.


Join us for the LIVE ONLINE SHOW on June 14, when you'll have a chance to ask your own questions during our Audience Q&As. I will also be hosting an Indie Author Round Table and Audience Q&A on June 15, with authors Laurie Petrou, Heather Dixon and Erin Pepler.


No matter your path to publishing—whether it’s traditional publishing, independent/small press publishing or self-publishing—you’re going to discover the tips, tools and tricks to reach the largest audience and create the most success for your book. Through this series, you’ll hear about how to engage your ideal audience, create excitement around your book release and market it in a way so as to generate significant book sales and revenue.


Here’s what is going to be covered in the INTERVIEWS: 
-BEST-SELLING AUTHORS share the secrets to their success
-Strategies for how to create the biggest splash possible with your BOOK LAUNCH 
-The FUTURE of publishing from those who are leading the way 
-How to create a SUSTAINABLE marketing plan so you can keep writing and doing what you love
-The tools and platforms that hold the most PROMISE for you and your book
-What authors need to know about AUDIENCES to successfully market and sell their book 
These interviews are REAL, short and to the point CONVERSATIONS with best-selling authors, publishers and book marketing experts who are leading the way with innovative 
strategies to launch, market and sell your book so you can reach the most readers possible.


The series is totally free. All you have to do is register here to receive log-in details for the show.


Trust me, you don't want to miss this.


So join me and 12 other speakers as we share the top tips, tools and strategies to LAUNCH, MARKET & SELL YOUR BOOK, so you can keep doing what you love: Telling stories and sharing them with others.


Register for Success Story now and claim your spot.


I'll see you inside,


Cat xo

PS: Have a writer friend? Share this email invite! No matter where they are in their journey, these interviews can help them prepare for their author debut, or help them revitalize book sales and create a thriving writing career.


Why there's nothing safe about it, plus some takeaways from my Success Story interviews


Q: How do I publish a book?