Q: How do I start writing my book?
Q: How do I start writing my book?
I have a ton of story ideas floating around, little notes and clippings that I keep in a file. But I know I have a book when I see the beginning, middle and end of the story. Then I’m ready to commit to writing it. So I often encourage my writers to take notes, file them away, there’s gold in all of it—and the editing and revising process is where they can decide what to keep and what to save for a rainy day/future project.
Another way to start writing a book is to think about your audience and readers from the beginning, even before you have a finished first draft. What do they want, and how can you help them experience that?
Most important, though—I think—is to establish a writing routine. After all, have you noticed that nothing gets done that isn’t blocked off in your calendar or turned into a daily habit? Right.
For me that means blocking off a time of day to dedicate to writing, even when I don’t know what I’m going to write about. Simply showing up day after day and typing will generate ideas that can evolve into something greater and more meaningful. And just getting in the habit of writing every day will improve the quality of your writing too, and help hone your voice.
You can block off an hour, or 20 minutes. Or set a word count you want to hit before taking a break—200 words, 500 words.
Be sure to set yourself up for success, though. Choose a time of day that best works for you, and make your goal effortless to achieve. I like to set the bar low—at least in the beginning. To make it easier for you to show up day after day. Whether that’s time spent at your computer, how many words you’re reaching for or the quality of your writing. To start, just make consistency your top goal—you will have a chance to improve and build as you move forward.
Finally, it can be helpful to seek out community—be it a writing group, feedback partner or accountability buddy. You don’t have to do this alone, and working toward a common goal—your books—will help keep you motivated and encourage you to keep on writing.
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