Ready to make it happen?

I am so lucky 😍

I’ve had an incredible career as a journalist and magazine editor. It’s opened so many doors to me, and allowed me to speak with so many inspiring people, many of whom are authors.

That career led to my podcast, which is all about making your dreams happen. This season I focused my lens on books, and the people who write, edit, represent and publish them.

One of those people I got to interview was the brilliant writer Bianca Marais. She has an amazing podcast I love that is called The Shit No One Tells You About Writing. Her team is putting on a virtual retreat in January, with a stellar lineup of experts and guests that includes Jessica Brody (Save the Cat Writes A Novel) and Lisa Cron (Story Genius—a must read for fiction writers!).

There are so many writers, authors, books, courses and resources on writing that I’m a fan of, and I’m happy to share them with you. You can email me, DM me or book a call with me to explore these and your vision for your book.

One thing that’s in short supply, though, is one-on-one support. Someone to hold your hand through writing and publishing your book, to give you a boost when you’re feeling stuck, to bounce ideas off of and who can simply let you know when you’re on the right track or not and what to do next.

That’s where I come in. 😉

My last two clients published their books on Amazon last week, after working with me for just 6 months. One of them is already a best-seller.

If you’re ready to play ball and make your book publishing dreams come true, I’m ready to play with you. Click here for more details on how I work with writers as a book coach.

I have some spots open in my 6-month book publishing program. Click here if you’re ready to commit to your book. If you’re looking at a longer game, that’s cool too—I offer one-on-one coaching in a year-long program to support you through writing, editing and publishing your book. Wherever you are in your journey is perfect.

Cat xo


2021: Year in Review


Workshop highlights + links for more!