The best thing that ever happened to me…plus the prices we pay for not going after our dreams
NOT getting the book deal was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I’d gotten my top pick literary agent right out of the gates, and was signed within weeks of sending out my manuscript for the first time.
I was poised for greatness. My star was about to rise, and I didn’t care who I left in my dust behind me.
And then…nothing. Month after month of no book deal. The publishers shared great feedback and mostly agreed they loved the book but still, no offer to publish me.
It drove me nuts for years. How could my book be so promising and so disappointing, all at the same time?
Until I came to the realization that not getting the book deal was the best thing that ever happened to me.
If I’d gotten that book deal, I never would have embarked on a personal development and leadership journey that taught me the joys of serving others and putting their needs above my own. I wouldn’t have helped hundreds of students I coached around the world to create more joy in their lives and better relationships with their partners, parents, and children.
If I’d gotten that book deal, I never would have become a book coach, which has been one of the most fulfilling and meaningful things I’ve ever done. Having the chance to help others create mega impact in their communities and around the world by sharing their knowledge, expertise and stories has given me purpose and expands my heart on a daily basis.
If I’d gotten that book deal, it would only ever have been about me.
Not getting that book deal forced me into situations and growth that made me a better, kinder, more generous and loving person.
Who knew that helping other writers, coaches, speakers and experts get published would bring me more happiness than publishing my own book?!
I finally did get the book deal, which feels great, I’ll admit. But it doesn’t have the same power over me. I’ve found fulfilment, purpose and joy by supporting others’ dreams as much as my own.
Publishing my own book is just the cherry on top, but it’s not the cake.
Giving and sharing your unique talents and perspective are truly the greatest gift and blessing in this world.
Cat xo
Let’s Talk About Faith
Stay with me because I’m about to get woo-woo on you, for a moment. And then I’ll ground us in reality.
I’m not going to give you a system or tips and advice for writing your book (or making any of your dreams happen, really) this week.
Because, frankly, for a lot of you, it just doesn’t matter.
Some of you keep gorging on information hoping that one day you’ll know enough to finally make a move, when that’s the very thing that’s overwhelming you and keeping you stuck.
Some of you are putting your book/dream on hold because “it’s not the right time.” Because “I have too much else to do.” Because it requires time and “time is money.” Or skill. Or help.
You can call it what you like but really it’s lack of faith and courage. Faith in yourself, and the courage to be who you’re meant to be. I know, because I’ve been there. And every time I try something new and scary, I’m still there. And I know I have the tools to get to the other side.
Here’s the ugly truth. You’ll never be ready. You’ll never know enough. You’ll never not be not scared. Because it takes the very act of DOING IT to build that kind of confidence and know-how.
The breakthrough is in the breaking through. It is not a mental exercise. You must literally live through this. Just like I did.
So today, I’m going to give you an exercise instead. One of the tools I personally use when confronted with fear or self-doubt about going after something I feel called to do.
This exercise will help you connect with your vision, and the prices you pay for not going after it like a dog with a bone. In this exercise, you’re going to picture what your life looks like after you’ve published the book/made your dream happen, and what it looks like if you never do.
1. Write out the pros and cons of publishing your book/making your dream happen
2. Write out the pros and cons of never publishing a book/making your dream happen
If the picture you paint is brighter with the book/dream completed, then what the hell are you waiting for?
The only regrets I have are not going after my dreams sooner. Every single one of them.
Now that I finally have, I only wish I could make this season last longer.
We don’t have forever, friend. We have this moment. Choose it.
Don’t wait. Make a promise to yourself and take that first step now.
I’m waiting on the other side.
PS: Today I’m feeling inspired to do something I’ve never done before. I’m going to offer my Kickstart Your Passion Project coaching package to any and all persons with a dream. Whether it’s a book or screenplay that you want to write, a business you want to start, whatever! I want to help you, especially with getting started.
Click on this link to say yes to your dream. I’ll take you through the steps I take all my coaching clients on, to make their dreams happen. I’ll help you come up with a clear vision to keep you motivated and inspired. I’ll help you create a plan of action to meet your goals in your desired timeline. And I’ll meet with you on a regular, biweekly basis to support and cheer you on every step of the way.
Click here to say yes to your dream now.
Writing A Story That Stirs Hearts and Inspires Action
I’m really feeling called to shout this message loud and clear, and to help bring it home, I’m sharing my Power of Story interview with Nicole Smithee, who talks about why your story matters, why you matter, and why your dream does too. Listen here to be inspired and moved into action.
Click here to listen to my interview with Nicole and hear how story can transform lives, as well as Nicole’s keys to a story that stirs hearts and inspires others to reach for the stars.