The real secret to success

What are the keys to crafting a great story?

How can story help us create the life of our dreams?

What kinds of stories are audiences craving today?

How can we use story to stand out and get noticed?

These are just some of the questions we’ll be answering in my upcoming FREE interview series THE POWER OF STORY.

Starting October 11, 2022, I’ll be sharing my interviews with 21 storytelling masters, motivational speakers, transformational leaders, artists, entrepreneurs and neuroscientists, who will show you how powerful storytelling is in all areas of your life, and how to do it masterfully.

They’re going to share the tools and strategies to use the power of storytelling in your relationships, in your business and to create the impact and legacy that you want in the world.

Through this interview series, you’ll see not only that your story matters, but that it matters in everything you do—from your relationships to your business to the lasting impact you make in the world. And you’ll also have the tools and strategies to make your storytelling experience a success.

So join me and my 21 expert guests and learn how to craft the perfect story, get noticed and even use story to design the life of your dreams, as well as:

  • What businesses can learn from Hollywood

  • How the internet is changing storytelling

  • What we can learn from science to tell better, more effective, stories

  • How stories can increase courage, resilience and innovation

  • How story can save the world

This series is totally free. All you need to do is SIGN UP NOW to get access to THE POWER OF STORY and let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together.

Cat xo

PS: Remember, these interviews are going to unlock the key to success in all areas of your life. Your story matters, and it is the difference between you and everyone else. It’s the thing that connects you to other people in your life, to your clients and audiences, and that will help others get passionate about you, your brand and your mission. CLICK HERE to sign up.


Fall in love with your story


The key to everything you want