The truth about what dreams are REALLY made of

Can I be honest with you? I’m tired. 😴

Like full stop, due for a vacation, ready for a month-long nap TIRED.

So August, I am coming for you, hard. But in the meantime, I am slaying my July to-do lists and goals that I set for myself. Because I promised. And because I follow through. 

After all, you don’t give up on the race just before you pass the finish line, do you? And yet, that’s the hardest part. I have a meme on my vision board that says, “The best view comes after the hardest climb.” And time after time in my life, that’s proven to be true. 

Discipline, consistency, commitment — these are the (unspoken) things dreams are made of. 

So here we go, pedal to the metal. And when August rolls around, you’ll know where to find me. 🏖


I’ve had a blast this past month interviewing some of my favourite writers. Bianca Marais is the author of the wonderful Hum If You Don’t Know The Words, and If You Want To Make God Laugh. She also has a brilliant podcast that really peels back the mysteries of the publishing world. If you’re a writer and keen on seeing your book on bookshelves, you’ll want to tune in. Listen to my interview with Bianca to hear about her own journey to the book shelf, what she says about OWN voices and her top tips for writers. Now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or watch it here. 🎧


In June, I also had the chance to chat with Amy Jones, author of We’re All In This Together and Every Little Piece of Me—a novel that I just finished and so loved! Amy is a writing mentor with Flying Books and worked with Audrey Audrain on her buzzy, headline-making book The Push. Amy and I spoke about mentorship and the editing process, as well as feedback and her own author journey. You can catch our interview here and on YouTube. 📚


I know I said I’d take August off but I couldn’t help myself: I’m partnering with a special guest for a workshop I’ll be presenting next month. Details to come but for now I invite you to play. Pick up a pencil, paint brush or camera, and let your muse take you where she will. Summer is a great time to indulge in our passion projects, whether that’s writing, painting, photography or just plain soaking up time with family and friends. (While you’re at it, take a snap and tag us @passionprojectpod on Instagram to be featured on our page!) 📸

Wishing you a dreamy July,

Cat xo


Why grit matters and the importance of failing


Turning your “some day” list into your HAPPENING NOW list