This is for all the late bloomers
This time of year always put me in a commencement speech frame of mind, however, this time, I’m going to dedicate mine to all the late bloomers 🌻
I was sharing with a friend a while back that sometimes I feel like Renton in Trainspotting. You remember, the Scottish heroin addict played by Ewan McGregor who walks away from it all at the end—the drugs and the crime, the loser friends and the bad behavior.
“I’m cleaning up and I’m moving on. Going straight and choosing life.”
Now I was never THAT bad, but I wasn’t great either. And it took a big butt-kicking from the universe to finally turn that corner and become the bright, passionate, try-hard, 100% engaged with her life, team-playing little Miss Sunshine who stands before you. 😍
That turning point started around the time I turned 40, and well, I’m well past that now. I’ve got a thriving business, a book that’s launching next spring and more friends and passion projects than I have time for, though I’m desperately trying to keep up.
I know there are some people reading this who are waiting for the best part of their lives to begin. Who are hovering on the edge of their next chapter, wondering if they should take the chance and try their hand at the biggest change of their life. Who are wondering if it’s worth it. If it’s too late, especially to start over.
While I would never encourage you to do anything reckless, I do want to be that little whisper in your ear that says, maybe you still can. 💫
Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that WE CAN rewrite our stories. We can choose to tell a better one that better serves us. We can imagine a different ending. We can be the hero of our journey, even if it feels like you’ve been riding in the passenger seat for FOREVER.
Now I won’t lie and tell you that you that it’s easy or that it isn’t scary. Or that you can author your life and have it turn out exactly the way it does in the movies—or the way you hoped or imagined.
Because I know better than that. I know how stories can take on a life of their own. And that part of the reason for that is … our stories are connected.
But when you look back at your life, I hope you’ll see all the stepping stones that led to the greatness that’s STILL in store for you. You may be standing on one right now.
So, look. Listen. Tune into your inner ear. Ask questions. Be curious. Consider the possibilities. And have the courage to wonder, What if I did?
What if you did.
Cat xo