Walking the (through) line
Sometimes the answer to our questions, our problems, is sitting right there in front of us…
Sometimes we look all over the place, turn ourselves inside out upside down, seeking love, confidence, knowledge, when everything we need is right here.
Kind of like your book’s through line ;)
The people who come to me to help them write their book often can’t see the forest for the trees. There’s so much they want to say, so much they want to achieve, that they literally lose the plot.
(FYI, this happens to me too.)
As an outsider, though, in an instant, I can see it plain as day—their hero’s journey, 3 act structure, 5 act structure and Save the Cat beat sheet, regardless of genre.
And so what I’m telling you today is YOU already know what your book is about. You might not have it all figured out, certainly, but you know what journey you want to take your readers on.
THAT’S your through line.
Trust it. Follow it. Write it.
Go there.