Welcome to Passion Project!
As the saying goes, sometimes you have to lose yourself, to find yourself.
I was 40, unemployed and pregnant when I finally decided to start my passion project—writing a novel, just like my childhood self had always dreamed about.
Without a job to report to, or career prospects with a baby on the way, I could finally give myself permission to follow my dream and begin working toward making my passion project happen.
That doesn’t mean it’s been easy. Every day it’s a struggle to make my book, my writing, a priority in the face of family and financial commitments and obligations.
Every day I struggle with doubt: Why me? Why not me?
Fortunately, I happen to know a lot of inspiring people. People who remind me that anything is possible, if you just follow your heart, and follow that with committed action.
They’ve inspired me, and continue to inspire me, to keep going, keep dreaming, daring, doing. And now I’m going to share them with you, so you can keep dreaming, daring, doing too.
On the Passion Project podcast, you’ll hear their stories, about how they dared to do what most people only dream about, and how they’re making their passion project happen.
You’ll also hear from experts, coaches and motivational leaders who share their tips, tools and insights into entrepreneurship, personal fulfilment and resiliency.
So listen in and stay tuned for future episodes. 🎧
It’s your time now.
Cat xo