What I learned from writing a book in 30 days

I did it! 🎉

I wrote a book in 30 days. And here’s what I learned:

👉🏼I am capable of so much more than I ever imagined. Three thousand words in a day? Are you kidding me? It turns out I have been letting myself off the hook too much, and for too long. Now that I know what I can do, like my parents used to say when it came to chores: “You did that so well, we’re going to let you do it again.”

👉🏼It’s easy to be prolific when you don’t take yourself so seriously. The higher the expectations, the bigger the blocks. Gamify the experience, and watch the words flow, baby.

👉🏼I love editing other peoples’ work—it satisfies the OCD in me. But my own writing? Not so much. This time, though, I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and dig in—deconstruct it all so I can build it back better ;)

👉🏼Sharing the journey publicly has been a lesson in humility, authenticity and transparency. “Writing a book in 30 days,” might have been a stretch I would put myself on and tell no one about it, at the risk of not following through. Declaring it, sharing it and putting my ass and professional career on the line has been a real commitment stretch. And when we stretch ourselves and pull it off? That builds trust, with ourselves. And that builds confidence, and that builds resilience. And that, friends, is worth all the gold in the world.


I love stand up comedy…


Character motivation and back story