What’s your PUSH Goal for 2024? Plus my content strategy tips for your empire
What’s your PUSH goal?
A couple of years back a mentor of mine introduced me to Push goals. It’s a methodology and practice that motivational speaker and best-selling author Chalene Johnson developed based on 20+ years of productivity coaching.
In a nutshell, a Push goal is an overarching goal that has a positive, aligned trickle-down effect into every area of our lives. It creates clarity and focus as we streamline our vision for the year, so you can accomplish more in less time.
Let me break it down for you.
I met with a coach last week who is committing to her book this year. The biggest hurdle she identified was a common one that I hear (and that I’ve experienced myself!):
How to find the time to write the book.
It made me think of Push goals.
When I asked her what she wanted to achieve in her business this year, her list looked like this:
-Be seen as an expert in my field
-Attract more people to my platforms and podcasts
-Have more clients and leads for people who want to work with me
When we identified what was important to her, I was able to show her how finally writing her book would help her achieve all that:
-The book would establish her as an authority in her space and
boost her personal brand.
-A book would help her get on other people’s podcasts, so she could capture some of their audience and build her own.
-Her book would help build trust between her and readers, listeners and viewers, so she wouldn’t have to work so hard selling her services.
-A book would give other people a reason to talk about her, and create buzz around her business and brand—basically, free advertising.
-Her book would serve as a content bank she could pull from, to populate her newsletter, social media, podcast, keynotes and more, making it the ultimate content marketing tool.
Get my drift?
In this coach’s business, writing a book is a Push goal that positively impacts every area of her business. And now that she can see that, she is able to prioritize it, make time for it, and it’s more likely to make it happen.
So what push goal would make the biggest difference for you in your life? I’d love to know.
Cat xo
PS: If writing a book is your Push goal for 2024, come join me for a FREE Kickstart Your Book! webinar I’m giving for Lulu Publishing this Wednesday January 31, 2024, where I’ll share some of my top tips and strategies to make it happen. Here’s the link to register.
How to Content Strategy
Not a typo. I’m turning “content strategy” into a verb because it deserves its own place in your action vocabulary.
Many of you have unwittingly become mini media empires in order to promote and grow your business. You likely have a newsletter (if not, you should), social media feeds, a podcast and maybe even an online course or membership (I count this as content too).
Perhaps you’re creating each piece of content for each platform in silos, but man, isn’t that exhausting?
When you have all the things (podcast, course, coaching business, etc.), how does a book fit into your content strategy?
Here’s how I coached another would-be author as she tried to figure out where her book would fit in among the other pieces of her offering:
(You can sing this to the tune of The Skeleton Dance, if you like: “The leg bone’s connected to the knee bone, The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone, Doin’ the skeleton dance.”)
-The book shares stories that build trust and relationships to help you sell your other offerings more effectively…
-You can use content from the book to populate your other content marketing channels (newsletter, social feeds, podcast and more)
-You can also use the book to funnel into your entry level product/service, where you can deliver more strategy (ie., a back of the book QR code that links to your online course or membership)
-From there you can upsell clients and customers into your higher value products/services, where you can deliver deeper engagement, accountability and support
Get it?
Good. Now sign up for Wednesday’s webinar and let’s get cracking.
Interview with Derral Eves, author of The YouTube Formula and executive producer of The Chosen
Speaking of singular focus, it was a joy and an honour to speak with THE YOUTUBE GURU Derral Eves, who also happens to be the executive producer of The Chosen.
Not only did Derral give me the butt-kicking I needed to finally start taking the steps I needed to to become the speaker he saw me as, but he also landed for me the message about speaking to "the one" like no other.
If you have any questions about how to best reach your audience and do better on YouTube, this is a must-listen for sure.
Catch our interview here.
You can also listen and subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and more.