Episode 32: The Power of Story with Mario Juarez, StoryCo

Mario Juarez, StoryCo

In this interview for The Power of Story, a Passion Project series of talks that took place in Fall 2022, Cat talks to Mario Juarez, who helps people and organizations get better business results through strategic storytelling. A former journalist and senior communications leader at the Microsoft Corporation, he founded StoryCo, a Seattle-based communications consultancy, in 2018. His Storytelling for Impact program has proven successful in helping thousands of leaders, visionaries and technologists measurably improve their communications and presentation skills. In our interview, Mario shares how the biggest corporations in the world are shifting company culture and growing their businesses exponentially with the power of story. He also talks about how transforming business is an inside out job, and what it takes to rewrite our business story.


For more on The Power of Story, visit Getthepowerofstory.com and access more great interviews, post-show Q&As, workshops and more!

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Episode 48: The Power of Story with Zibby Owens


Episode 31: The Power of Story with Park Howell, Business of Story