A first draft is NOT a book

I can’t believe what comes out of my mouth sometimes…

In the best way. Even though I’ve done today’s Non-fiction Book Publishing workshop before, sometimes the lessons just land different, you know?

Anyway, here’s what got the chat fired up today:

  1. A first draft is NOT a book - With all the excitement of FINALLY! completing that first draft, some writers will think they’ve reached the end of the line. Alas, the end is only the beginning. In my experience, the editing phase is where the magic truly happens. So regardless of the book or your vision for it, be sure to build in time for a second set of eyes—at the very least—to read your book before it goes out to agents or you self-publish it. Beta readers, feedback partners and freelance editors can all help you see your blind spots and really contribute to polishing up that manuscript so it can shine.

  2. Second draft is about craft. First draft is a mental game. The challenges you are facing as you move through your first draft have more to do with psychology, in my experience, than with the art of writing itself. That’s why having a coach  (hello!) is so great—to minimize the time you spend in the land of self-doubt, unworthiness and perfectionism. The best tool I’ve found is simple, really: Declare a deadline (how many words + by when) and don’t stop until you reach your goal.

  3. Everyone gets stuck on outline. Seriously, it’s not just you. There are a billion books and courses on it, a ton of which I’ve read and taken. Suffice to say that the clearer you are on your through line, the sharper your eye for that, the easier it gets. But that’s easier said than done. And sometimes it takes talking it out with someone else, to help you see what it is you really want to say/write about. A great place to start, though, is: Problem-Solution-Result. A) What is the problem you/your protagonist/your reader is facing? B) What is the solution/breakthrough/lesson(s) you/your protagonist/your reader gets to have to reach the desired result? The journey from A to B is your through line.

I’ve got tips and tricks to help with all of these, that I’ve gathered and I’m sharing via my new membership website. 

And for those first founding members who sign up today, I’m throwing in a free one-hour book development call.

So who’s ready to play ball and make that book happen? Click here to sign up today.


If you missed my Non-fiction Book Publishing workshop but still want to check it out, I’m hosting another one next Monday March 27 at noon EST.

Click here to sign up.


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