Are you ready for next level?
An author recently reached out to me to ask if I could quickly help her turn around a non-fiction book proposal in time for a publishing house contest.
I told her no.
Because I couldn’t make promises when I didn’t even know what I was dealing with—meaning, was this shit scoops or next level?
There was no point going in and polishing up a book proposal (next level) when the manuscript was a mess (shit scoops).
Who cares about chapter summaries that sound nice, when the story is broken?
It’s the same in life, too.
When I staffed leadership trainings, we would “clean house” to prepare the space for our students. That meant getting OUR OWN affairs in order: organizing our business and our calendars, connecting with family and friends, getting healthy, tying up any loose ends, making peace, forgiving, even self care, before we gave ourselves over to the transformation process. Because leaders go first ;)
The truth is, you’re already in a personal development program. You just might not realize it yet. In this great leadership training called LIFE, you can’t lead, grow or transform—you, your business or your team—when you’re sitting on a pile of shit scoops.
You get to clean house first, prime your space and create a solid foundation for what’s to come.
So are you ready for next level? Or do you have some shit scoops to clear out?
Personally, as I make the leap to expanding my business and my team, I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. And yes, it might include doing my taxes as well ;)
Cat xo
PS: If you're not feeling your best self--not confident, not strong or not good enough--know that any of those tactics listed above will go along way to making you feel like the leader you are.
The power of immersion
I recently shared this interview with a friend and it reminded me of how gorgeous my conversation was with the amazing Paul Zak for my series, The Power of Story.
In this talk, the author of Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and Source of Happiness, shares how story transforms us and makes us better humans, even as we experience it, thanks to the power of immersion.
Click here to watch now.