Don’t let your good life get in the way of your great life
I’m a bad mom.
I’m a bad mom because while the kids were home for March break last week, all I could think was how much I couldn’t wait to go back to work. I love my job and the people I work with THAT much.
Truth is, there’s no place I’d rather be (except Bora Bora, perhaps) than in my coaching chair, conspiring and collaborating with my clients/friends on their books, businesses and visions for their future. This truly is my happy place.
And it took a lot of courage to get here.
My clients and I were all at the top of our game when we decided to step off the treadmill of the corporate ladder and create something extraordinary of our own. We were leaders in our businesses and fields when we decided to take that first humble step into something exciting, new and different.
I remember when I stood on the precipice myself, between my past and future self. I was hemming and hawing over whether to jump into a leadership training that would take over the next six months of my life and cost piles of money, not to mention time. (Little did I know then that those six months would turn into three years).
“But I’m good,” I protested to a coach friend of mine at the time. “I have a happy marriage, healthy kids, my own business. Things are good.”
To which she replied, “Don’t let your good life get in the way of your great life.”
I entered my credit card details and bought into the program right then and there.
Not because anything was missing from my life. But because I knew something more was waiting for me on the other side.
A year later I closed my content agency business and committed to my book coaching business and personal passion projects full time. I’ve never been happier.
Since then, I’ve become an author and speaker. I’ve helped many others publish their books and grow their coaching, speaking and consulting businesses. And now I’m growing my team to create new leaders.
None of this would have been possible if I played it “safe” or settled for what I thought was “good.”
Take it from me: Don’t let your good life get in the way of your great life.
Cat xo
How long does it take to publish a book?
Some people waste their whole lives waiting for the perfect moment to write their book or commit to their passion project. In case you’re standing on that precipice right now, let me throw some numbers at ya:
- The average book takes almost 2 years to reach the bookshelves from the moment an author signs their book deal. That’s not including the time it takes to get an agent to get the book deal, or the time it takes to write and edit their book.
- The minimum time you should plan to promote and market your book is 2-3 months BEFORE its release date. And you should have a plan in place to promote it 2-3 months before that.
- Between writing, editing, designing and marketing your book, you can expect it to take a full year to create your book, in the best case scenario, even if you’re self-publishing it.
- If you were planning to write or publish your book this year, it’s likely that you’re already late.
I have a few different ways I support authors with making their book publishing dreams come true. Book a discovery call with me to learn more.
No matter what
One of the things I learned in my leadership trainings was the power of non-negotiable deadlines, so I loved chatting with Sterling Hawkins around his #nomatterwhat motto, and how he leans into discomfort to create wins in his life.
If you find yourself negotiating yourself out of the things you get to do to attain the things you deeply want in this life—such as getting up early to write that first chapter, scheduling that uncomfortable call with a customer for feedback to improve your product, or tying up your shoelaces for that first run in forever—you’ll want to listen to this video.
Click here to watch now.