Are you ready to break out of your box?

Every year, I volunteer 4 months of my time to support others with stepping into their leadership.

I do it because coaching others on leadership helps me grow in my own. And because I want my children to grow up in a world of kind, compassionate, loving, responsible leaders, and that means filling the world with them one person at a time.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Just this weekend, I could feel myself resisting the challenge to grow and expand. After a rigorous 4 weeks of intense, 16-hour trainings, I wanted to rest. I wanted to relax. I wanted to chill!

It’s so funny how badly we want to stay where we’re at, in our comfort zone, when all the things we deeply, really want are beyond it.

That’s why I’m setting a money goal for the next 3 months. I’ve hovered at the same benchmark for the past decade or so. A comfortable number that covers the necessities while creating space in my life for all my other passion projects, including my books and my family.

I’m ready to let that go.

Like the saying goes, “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

It’s a little bit scary and definitely stretchy. And I’m committed to making it happen and shattering the illusions of what’s possible for me.

How about you?

Connect with me if you want to ask me about Leadership and see what’s possible when you break out of the box!

Cat xo

PS: Is finally writing that book the goal you would set for yourself if you could break out of the box? If so, schedule a call with me and I’ll support you any way I can!


You are absolutely still in charge


You and your dreams matter