You and your dreams matter

Do you feel like your dreams are taking a back seat to, well, life?

The past couple of weeks, I’ve been spending 14-16 hours a day in an online training room, coaching people into their leadership so they can make the life of their dreams come true. 💫

It was powerful and moving and challenging and beautiful and inspiring…and then I woke up.

Saturday morning was an onslaught of bad news—on the TV, social media and in conversations with friends and family. I was so overwhelmed with sadness I just cried and cried.

Fortunately, I’ve surrounded myself with supportive communities and networks. I shared my breakdown and grief, and a friend of mine shared this quote with me, from Esther:

“Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.”

And damn, did that call to action ever light a fire under my ass. 🔥

It’s no coincidence you and I landed here and now. So what are you going to do with your gifts and time in this life?

If you haven’t noticed already, life is now, and there are no guarantees of tomorrow.

Make a difference today. You matter. 💖

Cat xo

PS: Do you know what you want but have trouble committing to your dream? Would you like help figuring out what your vision/purpose even is? Book a call with me and I’ll support you any way I can!


Are you ready to break out of your box?


Do you trust yourself to make it happen?