Do you trust yourself to make it happen?
Today I was chatting with one of my students about trust.
For much of my life, I let self doubt run the show. I second guessed. I could never make up my mind. I even returned things (hello, buyer’s remorse!)!
During my leadership training, I learned to trust myself again. And a HUGE part of that was being my word. Declaring I would do something, and following through—no matter what.
Faith has been on my mind more than ever of late. It requires that we put our stake in the ground, even before we have the answers. That proverbial leap of faith. 💫
When I declare I will complete my manuscript by such and such date, it’s a leap of faith. When I commit to writing 500 words a day, it’s a leap of faith that I will pull it off. And yet, I get to place my stake in the ground, and then follow through.
And when I do that, I build trust. With myself and with others. Isn’t it funny how it it all works out?
So my invitation to you today, when it comes to making your dream come true, is to place your stake in the ground. Take that leap of faith. And be and do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Not only will you build trust and confidence that you can do amazing things, but you’ll also be well on your way to making your passion project happen.
Cat xo
PS: Have a passion project or book idea you’d like to explore? Book a call with me and I’ll support you any way I can!