Episode 03: The power of community, with business coach Andrea Ivanka

I hired Andrea Ivanka as my coach in March 2019. I knew I needed help closing the gap between who I was being, and who I wanted to be.

Looking back, it’s hard to remember now, who that woman was. One thing’s for sure, she was definitely lone wolfing it. 

I had no tribe. I had no team. Heck, I hardly leaned on my husband at home. And to be honest, I was pretty content that way.

But I also had a vision. A vision that was bigger than me. And thanks to Andrea, I began expanding my team, my tribe and my communities. 

It’s been a helluva ride, so I’m so excited to share her words of advice with you. Because no matter what your passion project is, if you want to succeed at it, you can’t do it alone.

And really, why would you want to?

Listen to this episode to get some free coaching from Andrea and learn why you’re only as strong as your tribe. 🤝

Cat xo


Episode 04: See the world, with travel writer Heather Greenwood Davis


Episode 02: Write the book, with author Chantel Guertin