Episode 04: See the world, with travel writer Heather Greenwood Davis

I was pregnant and grieving over the end of my magazine editor jet-setting days when I met travel writer Heather Greenwood Davis.

Not only did she charm me with her warm, welcoming vibe, but she also won me over by convincing me that travelling with my family was totally doable, and that I needn’t give up my passion for seeing the world.

Since then, my family has travelled through Canada, the United States, Hawaii and South America. My kids are addicted to hotels and love being on the road.

Heather, meanwhile, has gone on to become a contributing editor at National Geographic Travel, a feature writer and columnist with The Globe and Mail and a media personality on The Social on CTV and National Geographic Channel.

In 2011, she travelled with her husband and two sons AROUND THE WORLD, an adventure she shared on her blog Globetrotting Mama.

While the rest of us save up our #lifegoals for our ever-growing bucket list, Heather is out there, living her dream.

That’s why I had to have her on my show. So she could inspire you with her just-do-it, seize-the-day-ness.

Whether you’re putting off a dream because of kids or other commitments, take to heart Heather’s words and remember that “You owe it to yourself, and your kids, to live the best life that you can.”

Listen to this episode to hear more from Heather, what she’s learned from travelling around the world and why she thinks following your dreams makes you a better parent. ✈️

Cat xo


Episode 05: Passion project alignment, with life coach Stephanie Marshall


Episode 03: The power of community, with business coach Andrea Ivanka