Get ready for #NaNoWriMo…Plus the secret to success in anything
“I know you’re scared! I’ve been scared! Whether you like it or not you are in this race! Go get ‘em!”
Anybody else LOVE the film Gran Turismo, like I did?
Over and over race car veteran Jack (played by David Harbour) talks to his young protégé Jann about commitment and conviction. “You gotta commit!”
I remember my first week of leadership training, when, after a soft introduction, our trainer let us know that if we wanted to opt out before things got hard, now was the time. After this, she explained, we would be strapping ourselves in a for a roller coaster ride and there was no getting off. I stayed on, and it was a decision I’ll never regret.
Today marks the beginning of November Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo), and I’ve decided I’ve got a new roller coaster to ride. Now that my first book is in the hands of my publisher, it’s time for me to turn my attention back to my second book—something I’ve been avoiding for a looong time.
It’s a challenging book for many reasons. Challenging for me and challenging for its intended audience. I didn’t choose it, but I feel an obligation to see it through.
So over the next month, I’ll be embarking on what Curtis Brown Creative (a great writing school, by the way) calls “The Pain.”
This means examining my first draft with the cold eyes of a surgeon, excising anything I deem unnecessary. Seeking to find if there’s anything redeeming about it at all, and then exploring ways to amplify and expand the best parts of it.
There are a million and one reasons for me not to finish this book. They are also the same reasons why I should. Fear, self-doubt, risk, are guaranteed to follow me every step of the way. The only chance I have of succeeding is to commit to the race and don’t stop until I complete my mission.
The truth is you don’t need Nanowrimo to write or finish your book. You don’t need to be good or smart or gifted at writing. You just need to commit. And don’t stop until you’re done.
Cat xo
PS: Speaking of commitment, I thought you might enjoy my interview with Sterling Hawkins, who shares his motto of #nomatterwhat. Hawkins is the author of the best-selling book Hunting Discomfort, and CEO and founder of the Sterling Hawkins Group, a research, training and development company focused on unlocking human and organizational potential. In our interview, Sterling talks about reframing the things that challenge us in a way that empowers us. He also shares his tips for crafting messages for the stage, and how the key to success is #nomatterwhat.
Watch the video here.