What Publishers Want...and The Seasons Of Your Life
This song always makes me cry…
But isn’t it the truth? Stevie Nicks crooning “time makes you bolder” on Landslide.
My son turned 15 this weekend. It’s been an emotional fall already—watching the kids move out of one phase and into another.
There are things we’ve been letting go of—pumpkin patches and theme park visits with the whole family together.
And new adventures we’re embarking on—that same teenager will be taking his first solo trip to the other side of the world, where I was born. And I’ve got a solo trip of my own planned—I’ve been invited to speak at an international conference in the U.S. next spring (more details on that to come!).
So while the kids needing me less and less breaks my heart a little each time, I’m also excited for the new experiences and opportunities unfolding before me.
Speaking of which, the teenager has been asking about different jobs and career prospects. He’s in Grade 10 now so I guess the kids are beginning to think about it. I know I should say the practical thing I was raised with, but instead I share what I’ve come to believe in my own heart is true: Follow your curiosity. What do you love? What do you want more of in your life? Go there…
And so on this rainy fall morning, as the holiday lights begin to go up, heralding another new year, that’s the question I’m leaving you with.
Whether it’s your own next chapter, the book you’re longing to write, the passion project you’re excited to begin—what do you want more of in your life? What dreams do you still get to chase? And what do you get to let go of to create space in your life for them?
Because there’s still time…
Cat xo
Top Takeaways from Last Week's Book Publishing Webinar
I had a brilliant time last week chatting with some of my favourite authors, literary agents, publishers and self-publishing experts about travel, books and what it takes to write and publish a travel/memoir/non-fiction book that sells, for an online event co-hosted by KITI Social, a community for travel media, PR, brands and tourism businesses.
Some of my top takeaways:
Your manuscript is just one (small!) piece of what it takes to get your book on bookshelves.
Regardless of whether you want to be traditionally published or self published, marketing plays a HUGE (maybe even the biggest) role in getting an agent, publisher, book retailers and eventually readers to invest in you and your book.
What agents, publishers and retailers are looking for in an author and book: Marketing savvy, platform, an authentic voice and interesting/unique perspective.
There are no barriers to self-publishing, but make no mistake: The most successful self-published authors are still investing a lot of time, energy and resources into creating the highest quality book they can afford, with expert help, and marketing it
We had a huge turnout and more audience questions than we could get to, so for anyone who wants more of our panellists or to hear more on any of these subjects, here’s where you can find them:
Author Kristen Van Nest, whose debut memoir, Where to Nest, is coming out in in April 2024.
Publisher Alexandria Brown, CEO of Rising Action Publishing.
Literary agent and author Rachel McMillan, who has written several historical novels for Harper Collins including the bestselling The London Restoration and The Mozart Code.
Self-publishing expert Matt Briel, VP of Marketing at Lulu, which helps creators and authorpreneurs leverage books for opportunities and sustainable revenue.
I’m also hosting a FREE online workshop on How to Write, Finish & Publish Your Book, on November 17 at 12pm EST. You can reserve your spot here.
How to Pitch Agents and Publishers
One more tip from last week’s panel that deserves its own spot in today’s newsletter: Don’t be sloppy with your pitches. Agents and publishers can tell when you’re sending them an unedited first draft, and no one appreciates being spammed with careless DMs. Take the time to get to know the agents and publishers you’re pitching to and carefully craft and tailor your submission package and proposal to them. That alone will help you stand out and rise above the slush pile.
What Do Publishers Want?
As an author, it can be mystifying trying to figure out what do publishers want. So I loved my chat with author, podcaster and publisher Zibby Owens, who shared about her own journey to the bookshelf and as a champion of other authors and books. She also shared her tips for what it takes to get noticed in a crowded marketplace, the keys to telling a story that stands out, and what audiences are craving today.
Watch the video here.