How To Be Limitless I World Building with AI + How to get inside the minds of your audience
Is there a drug I can take that will make me limitless?
I just finished watching the Bradley Cooper movie of the same name (yes, for the first time, even though it’s been out for over a decade), about a writer who overcomes writer’s block by taking an experimental drug (is there any other kind, LOL?).
That got me thinking—what makes me feel limitless?
Me, I feel limitless when my mind and tongue are working in unison—when there is a clear and direct link between my thought and what comes out of my mouth.
Ever have those moments where you’re tongue tied, or you say something you didn’t mean to, or it came out all jumbled up?
What’s underneath that? Usually—at least in my case—lack of confidence, lack of self esteem, self-doubt, fear, fear of rejection, fear of judgement, fear of looking stupid (which, ironically, makes me look stupid).
When am I the most free flowing? When I forget myself—usually when I’m in service to others, or so completely engaged in something or someone—like when I’m doing an interview for my podcast, say—that I forget…me.
Writing is a lot like speaking that way.
Get out of the way—aka forget yourself—and watch the words flow.
It doesn’t mean I get it right all the time. I completely bungled a conversation I had last weekend. I avoided working on my next book—by writing this newsletter, a day earlier than I needed to. (Don’t worry, I made up for it later ;)
So when I get in my own way, how do I dig myself out? When my emotions take over, how do I get back on track?
I was listening to an amazing Joe Rogan podcast episode today with Gary Brecka (a must-listen for health & wellness enthusiasts!). I love and totally agree with what he said: “Stop negotiating with yourself…Discipline is better than motivation.”
Which is why when I skipped a day of working on my book, I doubled my time and output the next day. A promise is a promise and I don’t break promises to myself…anymore.
How about you?
Cat xo
PS: If you're still wondering about that question--is there a drug that will make me limitless? There is, but it's not the kind we're used to hearing about. Instead, for me, it's the courage to be unapologetically, uniquely you. The discipline to stick to your commitments, regardless of your emotions. And intention, intention, intention--going into anything without it is like going fishing without a line. Don't leave home without it. For more, see below on my workshop this Friday!
How to Write, FINISH, Publish and Market a Book
I've got some new members in my community, which means I'm bringing back my greatest hits of tips for writing, finishing, publishing and marketing a book in a fresh workshop this Friday November 17 at 12pm EST.
Click here to register.
Getting Inside the Minds of Your Audience
Speaking about limitless, that’s exactly how I feel about former radio show host/current AI expert Kate Bradley Chernis of LatelyAI. I had the chance to tap her brilliant mind for my series The Future of Content Marketing, and re-watching this interview made me fall in love with her all over again. There are so many golden nuggets I specifically want to bring forward to you in video clips, but for now, if you can find the time, listen to the full interview to hear her share her thoughts and tips on the theatre of the mind, world building, AI, content marketing and so, so much more.
Watch the video here.