How To Make Time for Writing Your Book

“I don’t know how you do it.”

People say that to me ALL the time.

The 4 kids.

The business.

The volunteer work. (I help out from time to time as a transformational coach and that’s as much about serving humanity as it is about levelling up my own.)

The hot bod. (Okay, that part is just me LOL)

The truth is, I’m a beast when it comes to productivity.

Some of it comes naturally (nature & nurture). Some of it I’ve worked really hard at. Some of it I just had to become to survive (see note above re: 4 kids).

But in my life’s journey, I’ve learned many ways to create time out of thin air. To bend it and make it work for me, so I could be/do/have everything I ever wanted.

And now I’m sharing that with you. Hop over to my brand new YouTube channel to see how I’m writing a book in 30 days, and for tips and inspiration so you can write and finish your book too.

PS: If you want some 1-1 support with this, feel free to reach out and DM me and we can set up a call. Xo


Give Up On Trying To Get It Right and Just Get It Down


Do It Messy