Give Up On Trying To Get It Right and Just Get It Down
There was a time I was so shy, I wouldn’t post my face on Instagram.
And speak? In front of other people? No way, nope, nada, not happening.
But writing? I could shoot magic out my fingertips for days without fear. On page, I was big, bold, badass.
Until one day, when my vision became bigger than my fears.
The reason I’m sharing this with you now as part of my How to Write a Book in 30 Days challenge is because when you can give your ego the ol’ heave ho, get lost, scram, and be willing to be vulnerable, you become a clear channel for whatever is authentically bubbling up inside you.
And that is beautiful.
In fact, I don’t even consider myself a writer anymore so much as a channel. A medium for muse, creativity, God, source, the universe to move through me.
Which is why for my tip of the day, I say that if you want to create the kind of momentum it takes to write a book in 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, you have to give up caring about how good you look on page and just get it down and out.
No one nails the first draft. No one gets away without editing. The first draft is just about accumulating enough material so you have something to work with when the editing process begins.
And that, friends, is when the magic happens.
PS: Head over to my new YouTube channel where I’m sharing tips and inspiration daily to help you write your book.