Q: How do I engage my audience and make my writing interesting?

Q: How do I engage my audience and make my writing interesting?

Here’s the short answer: Put more of YOU in it. 

Long answer: Honestly, the more YOU come through in your writing, your story, your book, the more your reader will lean in.

I don’t care if yours is a book about how to increase productivity, sales or creativity—as Roosevelt famously said, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Think about it this way: How much do you love navigating through various prompts before FINALLY getting to speak with someone at your phone company? Would you rather be talking to a chatbot, or a REAL PERSON?

That’s what I thought. 

Another case in point: I was checking out a book a friend recommended to me recently, and the only reason I KEPT READING, was because the author’s voice was so powerful and compelling. She was so…herself, it was awesome. I couldn’t put it down. 

People are craving connection. And the more we get away from that in our culture and society today, the more you’ll stand out by giving the people what they actually want: More of YOU.

The more REAL, the more honest, the more vulnerable, the more specific, the better. You may lose some readers who don’t vibe with you, but you’ll gain a legion of fans who really get you and love you for it.


Why writing is like truth telling


Why I have the best job on the planet