Q: How do I promote and market my book?

Q: How do I promote and market my book?


Here are 3 ways you can start promoting your book now (even before you finish it):

1. Tell people you're writing a book and let them be a part of your journey. Not only are you warming up your readership, but you’re also getting them invested in your success as they can feel part of it.


2. Ask your audience for feedback—from your book title to your cover, what better way to know what your readers like than to straight-up ask them? It’s also a great way to keep your audience engaged as you move toward your book launch.


3. Build your tribe. The saying “It takes a village” is true of publishing and marketing your book as well. Think about who can help spread the word about your book and invite them to be part of your movement.

PS: Want some help with writing, publishing and promoting your book? I’m offering monthly coaching that includes a membership into my book publishing academy, for a limited time only. Click here to join now.


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