Sometimes writing doesn’t look like writing

The truth is, sometimes writing doesn’t look like writing.

It looks like walks on a nature trail. 

Googling books and movies you love/hate, thinking about what you liked/didn’t like, what your book has in common/how it’s different and unique, and what you would like to try. 

Lying around dreaming, scheming, problem solving, contemplating, reminiscing.

It can look a lot like procrastinating, or wasting time or navel gazing. 

And if it doesn’t lead to any words on the page, it probably is 👆🏼

But sometimes—oftentimes, in my case—it leads to something wonderful that could only have been imagined in the space of nothingness and everythingness that is creativity. 

Sometimes writing doesn’t look like writing. And trust that it still is.


There’s no time like now to meet your reader


On beginnings and endings