There’s no time like now to meet your reader

Nanowrimo is coming to a close and I would be remiss if I didn’t bring up the point OF ALL THIS…

To reach your ideal reader.

The fact is, you don’t need a published book to start creating a relationship with your audience. You don’t need a finished first draft, even, to attract your ideal reader.

You can start doing that now. Today. Right after you finish reading this post ;)

So take a moment and connect with your reader right now: Who do you envision picking your book up off the shelf? Who’s that person typing your topic into an Amazon search that brings up your book’s listing?

And beyond that, where do they hang out? What social media platform do they spend the most time on? Which podcasts do they listen to? What shows are they watching?

Where does your reader LIVE and what do they like to talk about?

Meet them there.

You can start engaging, cultivating your audience and nurturing your readership long before you finish your first draft—using everything from social media to blogs, newsletters, and beyond.

If you plan to publish your book traditionally, your book deal might depend on it.

And if you plan to self-publish, your ability to market and sell your book definitely does.

So start now.

You might find, even, that your conversations inspire your book as you write it. And your book, inversely, if it’s done right, ought to offer plenty of things to talk about well before it's out.


Writing tip of the day: Moments like these


Sometimes writing doesn’t look like writing