The secrets to making this your best year ever!
I know it’s February already, but January was bananas!
So where are YOU at on your 2021 goals and dreams? Did your New Year’s resolutions blow out like the candles on a birthday wish, or are they still burning strong? Or are you sitting on the fence, not quite sure of what’s possible?
In December, I had the pleasure of interviewing Karma Brown, who just released her new book The 4% Fix: How One Hour Can Change Your Life. Check out our interview for a boost of inspiration and to hear about Karma’s secret to her career as a best-selling author.
Whether it’s a pep talk you could use right now, or some tips and tools for making it happen, check out past episodes and stay tuned for new interviews. We’re in this together 🙌
My friends and I have been talking a lot about manifesting lately. I love this perspective Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith shared with Oprah on her SuperSoul Conversations. Check out this interview if you’ve been doing the vision board/visualization/manifesting thing and not seeing the results you’re hoping for.
Right now, I’m listening to the Audible version of Year Of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes, creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. In the book, she writes about the year that changed everything, when she decided to say yes to every opportunity that came her way. I’m not even half way yet, but still, I love this book, love this message, love her!
My mentor turned me on to the PUSH Journal over the holidays and I gifted myself one to start off strong for the new year. I love it so much, I’m offering it now on the Passion Project website, where you can buy your very own PUSH Journal to help you organize your goals into daily and weekly tasks that set you up for long-term success.
Wishing you a great year of dreaming, daring, doing!