What’s your hairy scary goal?

I’m putting my ass on the line…how about you? 😳🤭

So here’s the thing. When it comes to the things I want, I’m pretty good at declaring the things I’m used to. 

Writing a chapter a day? Check. ✅

2 podcasts a month? Check. (More on this later.)

3 workouts a week? I’ve been on hiatus since home schooling began, but now that the kids are back at school, I know I can totally rock this.

But the hairy scary goals? The ones I haven’t dared reach for yet? Those, I’m a little more reluctant to make promises on.

Here’s the thing: We’re only as good as our declarations. Meaning intention alone isn’t going to make our goals, or visions, happen. So that means making bold declarations that create powerful results.

So here’s mine: By April 28, 9am PST, I will have launched a fashion and lifestyle line of products, where a portion of proceeds will go to a fund I’m creating to support artists and startups. Along with my “scholarship,” I’ll be offering free coaching and mentoring to those artists and entrepreneurs I join up with.

Because no one wins, until we all win.

So what’s your bold declaration? What are you willing to put your ass on the line for? I’d love to know.


It was such a pleasure chatting with graphic novel author Ho Che Anderson, whose book Scream Queen is making its way to the screen. In this episode, we talked comic books, super heroes and revolutionaries.

I also got to chat with photographer Claire Dam about art, truth and radical honesty. Claire’s powerful, haunting images explore women’s journeys with fertility and grief, as well as her own healing journey. You can listen to our talk here.


It’s been over a year of COVID-19, and still the end isn’t quite in sight. I’m not immune to the highs and lows of this year, but what’s really helped has been my coaches, mentors and trainers. One of them, Lisa Kalmin, has a great book that’s sure to inspire and empower. The Problem Is How You See The Problem will surely give you a whole new outlook on whatever obstacles stand in your way.


Need some help with your vision, declarations and goal setting? Check out PUSH Journal, now available at Passion Project

And if you need an accountability buddy, feel free to reach out to me. I’m getting pretty good at it. 😉


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