Where are you on your hero’s journey?
Are you experiencing victory, or defeat?
This was coming up for my transformational leadership students today, as we approach the half-way mark in the program.
Some are feeling cool and collected, like they’ve made it—they’ve mastered their leadership, themselves, their life. They’re feeling like a 10 all over the place and like they’re finally winning the game of life.
Sound like you, or the main character of your book?
In the hero’s journey, according to one of my favourite guides on writing, Save the Cat, midpoint is the part in the book or movie where the main character can experience victory.
But what they don’t know—yet—is that this victory is an illusion. And the big test/battle/final challenge is yet to come, leading to their true transformation.
LOL do I have your attention now? 😂
So what about those who are feeling defeat?
In the hero’s journey, those who are feeling defeat are also experiencing an illusion—things are not as bad as they seem.
In fact, this defeat can mean that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.
You may be feeling like one giant heap of a mess, like your life is falling in pieces around you, but really you are just leaving the old you behind so you can step into your greatness.
That’s what the second half of the book/your life is about. 😉
So take a moment and think about it:
Are you (or the main character of your book) in the midst of a false victory?
Or are you in the throes of a false defeat?
What tests/challenges lie ahead, to experience full transformation?
And what do you get to leave behind?
I’d love to hear your share.
Cat xo
PS: If you want to explore the hero’s journey further—be it for your book, or your life!—let me know. I’d love to step into this adventure with you.