You’ve got all the time in the world

Have you heard of Einstein time?

Last week, I was feeling overwhelmed. I had so many plates spinning in the air, I was feeling anxious that at any moment one of them might come crashing down.

The next morning, something had shifted in me. While I still had all the same plates spinning just as high and just as fast in the air, all of a sudden I was at ease. Peaceful with all my various responsibilities, and trusting everything would work out okay.

You see, time really is plastic. Like Einstein said, it’s all relative.

I believe it was my friend Don who first talked to me about Einstein time.

In short, Albert Einstein's theory proposes that time is an illusion that moves relative to an observer.

Have you ever experienced that?

So what does this mean for you?

So often we get in our own way. We use time as an excuse, or as a crutch, or we’re just plain bad at managing it. We say we don’t have time for something we care about, but then we end up scrolling social media for minutes or hours.

The truth is, time is the quality that we ascribe to it.

The truth is, if you’re willing, you can bend time to your will.

Which means that everything is possible, and there is plenty of time to be, do, have it all.

So what are you going to do with your time?

Cat xo

PS: I had so much fun with my Hack the Book Writing Retreats, I’m opening up 2 more dates in May! Join me Saturday May 14 or Monday May 16 for a fun, collaborative day connecting with other writers and getting clarity and strategy on your book. Message me for details!


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