Book Development Coaching Pass
Get 1-1 coaching without the high-ticket price tag.
Your Coaching Pass gives you:
Six 30-minute private Zoom coaching calls with a book coach and editor
Clarity on your book idea and outline
Accountability with someone committed to your success
Mega traction and momentum in your book development
Support with marketing strategy for your story, book and business!
Support with querying agents and publishers, as well as with publishing paths and self-publishing
Get unstuck, workshop ideas and receive instant feedback on your project. Offer valid for 24 hours only!
Get 1-1 coaching without the high-ticket price tag.
Your Coaching Pass gives you:
Six 30-minute private Zoom coaching calls with a book coach and editor
Clarity on your book idea and outline
Accountability with someone committed to your success
Mega traction and momentum in your book development
Support with marketing strategy for your story, book and business!
Support with querying agents and publishers, as well as with publishing paths and self-publishing
Get unstuck, workshop ideas and receive instant feedback on your project. Offer valid for 24 hours only!
Get 1-1 coaching without the high-ticket price tag.
Your Coaching Pass gives you:
Six 30-minute private Zoom coaching calls with a book coach and editor
Clarity on your book idea and outline
Accountability with someone committed to your success
Mega traction and momentum in your book development
Support with marketing strategy for your story, book and business!
Support with querying agents and publishers, as well as with publishing paths and self-publishing
Get unstuck, workshop ideas and receive instant feedback on your project. Offer valid for 24 hours only!