Inspo, tips and tools for making your passion project happen — including how to write, FINISH, publish and launch your book!

Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Walking the (through) line

Sometimes the answer to our questions, our problems, is sitting right there in front of us…

Sometimes we look all over the place, turn ourselves inside out upside down, seeking love, confidence, knowledge, when everything we need is right here.

Kind of like your book’s through line ;)

The people who come to me to help them write their book often can’t see the forest for the trees. There’s so much they want to say, so much they want to achieve, that they literally lose the plot.

(FYI, this happens to me too.)

As an outsider, though, in an instant, I can see it plain as day—their hero’s journey, 3 act structure, 5 act structure and Save the Cat beat sheet, regardless of genre.

And so what I’m telling you today is YOU already know what your book is about. You might not have it all figured out, certainly, but you know what journey you want to take your readers on.

THAT’S your through line.

Trust it. Follow it. Write it.

Go there.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Give Yourself Permission to Play

I’ve pretty much quit everything that isn’t fun to me, so I consider myself kind of an expert at this…

While I’m 100% a doer, I’m also a huge advocate for following your fun radar.

And that goes for writing too.

If it’s not fun, don’t do it—until you absolutely have to.

That messy middle? That can absolutely wait.

The end of your novel calling your name today? Go there. Why not?!

There will come a time when you will have to link up all the pieces together, smooth out transitions and edit, edit, edit, polish, polish, polish…but that time isn’t now.

For now, as you move toward a finished first draft of your manuscript, follow your fun, take risks, play and dare to make mistakes.

You have my permission.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Find Your Magic Portal

The stories we know and love are full of magic portals…

Forests and lakes, basements and attics, closets and wardrobes. Places where magic happens, where reality as we know it crosses over to other worlds and dimensions.

What isn’t talked about so much, are the magic portals writers use to get INTO their writing and the worlds they are creating.

For some people it’s writing shrines, crystals and candles. For others it’s a walk in the park, or sitting down by the lake. I even had a writing mentor who used to dress in head to toe costume to get in the zone.

As for me, I wrote my first story playing holiday movies on a loop on the living room TV.

Now I don’t know what I would do without my Spotify playlist.

I seem to be drawn to certain songs and genres as my books evolve. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don’t, but either way, it gets me there—in the mood and faraway in time and space so I can connect with my characters and the drama that they’re facing.

That playlist becomes my reset button, that I press each day as I open up my manuscript. I hit play, and I’m locked in and ready to write, back in the mood and flow I was in yesterday.

So if you don’t have a magic portal yet, and you’re struggling to find the words, or pick up where you left off, consider making this part of your new writing habit.

It’ll help you keep up the momentum, stay in the zone and propel you toward your finish line.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Tee Up Tomorrow’s Writing Today

Oooh boy, I love a happy ending.

It’s so tidy and neat, offering a satisfying sense of completion. Everyone all tucked away, snug in their beds, knowing the worst is behind them and tomorrow is going to be brighter than ever before.

And yet…and yet…when it comes to writing your book, it can support us writers to leave the end undone.

I like to think of it as leaving bread crumbs. So I can find my way back in tomorrow.

That’s why as my How To Write A Book In 30 Days tip of the day, I recommend teeing up tomorrow’s writing, today.

That means that once you’ve finished your writing for the day, whether that’s one hour or 500 words, before you snap your laptop shut and move on to another task, plan where you’ll pick up tomorrow.

1. It’s going to make it so much easier to get writing tomorrow, knowing you’ve already figured out what you get to write about,
2. It presents an opportunity to check in with your outline, beat sheet or whatever notes you’ve used to sketch out your book, and reconnect with your overall story arch and structure so you don’t stray too far from the through line and point of your story.

I like to jot down some notes of where I get to go tomorrow in my story, but I know other authors who actually start their next chapter and stop mid-way.

Personally I find that kind of cliffhanger excruciating—see note about happy endings above—but if it works for you, go for it!

PS: Head over to my new YouTube channel where I’m sharing tips and inspiration daily to help you write your book.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Give Up On Trying To Get It Right and Just Get It Down

There was a time I was so shy, I wouldn’t post my face on Instagram.

And speak? In front of other people? No way, nope, nada, not happening.

But writing? I could shoot magic out my fingertips for days without fear. On page, I was big, bold, badass.

Until one day, when my vision became bigger than my fears.

The reason I’m sharing this with you now as part of my How to Write a Book in 30 Days challenge is because when you can give your ego the ol’ heave ho, get lost, scram, and be willing to be vulnerable, you become a clear channel for whatever is authentically bubbling up inside you.

And that is beautiful.

In fact, I don’t even consider myself a writer anymore so much as a channel. A medium for muse, creativity, God, source, the universe to move through me.

Which is why for my tip of the day, I say that if you want to create the kind of momentum it takes to write a book in 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, you have to give up caring about how good you look on page and just get it down and out.

No one nails the first draft. No one gets away without editing. The first draft is just about accumulating enough material so you have something to work with when the editing process begins.

And that, friends, is when the magic happens.

PS: Head over to my new YouTube channel where I’m sharing tips and inspiration daily to help you write your book.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

How To Make Time for Writing Your Book

“I don’t know how you do it.”

People say that to me ALL the time.

The 4 kids.

The business.

The volunteer work. (I help out from time to time as a transformational coach and that’s as much about serving humanity as it is about levelling up my own.)

The hot bod. (Okay, that part is just me LOL)

The truth is, I’m a beast when it comes to productivity.

Some of it comes naturally (nature & nurture). Some of it I’ve worked really hard at. Some of it I just had to become to survive (see note above re: 4 kids).

But in my life’s journey, I’ve learned many ways to create time out of thin air. To bend it and make it work for me, so I could be/do/have everything I ever wanted.

And now I’m sharing that with you. Hop over to my brand new YouTube channel to see how I’m writing a book in 30 days, and for tips and inspiration so you can write and finish your book too.

PS: If you want some 1-1 support with this, feel free to reach out and DM me and we can set up a call. Xo

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Do It Messy

I am doing it all wrong.

I'm doing it upside down, inside out.

Driving on the wrong side of the road (really not really).

Using my left hand (I'm right handed).

Falling on my ass, only to pop back up and fall again and again.

It's scary AF, humiliating and...exhilarating.

Wait, did she just say "exhilarating"?


Throwing out the script, starting from nothing, letting go of people and things I was deeply attached to--it's freeing.

And know what else it is?

It's working for me.

So well, in fact, that I'm on track to finish my next book in just 30 days. A record for me.

How am I doing it? Stay tuned. I'll be sharing my tips and journey *daily* (big gulp.)

So meet me here again tomorrow, and I’ll share fresh tips for how I’m pulling it all off.

And if you want to write a book in 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, message me and we’ll hop on a call. I promise I’ll have some golden tips for you. And if I don’t, I sure as hell know someone who does 😉

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Fall in love with your story

Through story, I found joy, purpose and love. Story has always been a way for me to connect with the deepest parts of myself, and now it’s connecting me with others in ways I could never have imagined or hoped for.

I want this for you too, which is why I’m bringing you my FREE interview series THE POWER OF STORY, where 21 expert guests will share how to craft the perfect story, get noticed and even use story to design the life of your dreams.

Through this series, I hope you’ll learn to fall in love with your story, and even begin the task of writing it down, be it for a book, a Ted Talk, or simply a letter to a loved one.

These interviews will show you how to create a deeper connection with your audience and customers, and how to use story as a way to inspire and encourage you both to thrive.

And for you fellow writers, speakers and leaders reading this right now, this series will also show you how to go even deeper in your work, and how to create powerful stories that unite and elevate humanity and our collective story.

These 21 experts have stepped up to share their time, knowledge and love with you. I feel so blessed to have had the chance to share this space with them. I hope you’ll take me up on my free offer, and give them a chance to share what they have to say, with you.

Here’s what else we’ll be covering in these interviews:

  • What businesses can learn from Hollywood

  • How the internet is changing storytelling

  • What we can learn from science to tell better, more effective, stories

  • How stories can increase courage, resilience and innovation

  • How story can save the world

These are just some of the questions we’ll be answering in my upcoming FREE interview series THE POWER OF STORY.

Starting October 11, 2022, I’ll be sharing my interviews with 21 storytelling masters, motivational speakers, transformational leaders, artists, entrepreneurs and neuroscientists, who will show you how powerful storytelling is in all areas of your life, and how to do it masterfully.

Discover how to use the power of storytelling in your relationships, in your business and to create the impact and legacy that you want in the world, and gain the tools and strategies to make your storytelling experience a success.

SIGN UP NOW to get access to THE POWER OF STORY and let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together.

Cat xo

PS: Remember, this series is totally FREE! All you need to do is register to get access to THE POWER OF STORY and we can explore the magic of storytelling together. CLICK HERE to sign up now.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The real secret to success

What are the keys to crafting a great story?

How can story help us create the life of our dreams?

What kinds of stories are audiences craving today?

How can we use story to stand out and get noticed?

These are just some of the questions we’ll be answering in my upcoming FREE interview series THE POWER OF STORY.

Starting October 11, 2022, I’ll be sharing my interviews with 21 storytelling masters, motivational speakers, transformational leaders, artists, entrepreneurs and neuroscientists, who will show you how powerful storytelling is in all areas of your life, and how to do it masterfully.

They’re going to share the tools and strategies to use the power of storytelling in your relationships, in your business and to create the impact and legacy that you want in the world.

Through this interview series, you’ll see not only that your story matters, but that it matters in everything you do—from your relationships to your business to the lasting impact you make in the world. And you’ll also have the tools and strategies to make your storytelling experience a success.

So join me and my 21 expert guests and learn how to craft the perfect story, get noticed and even use story to design the life of your dreams, as well as:

  • What businesses can learn from Hollywood

  • How the internet is changing storytelling

  • What we can learn from science to tell better, more effective, stories

  • How stories can increase courage, resilience and innovation

  • How story can save the world

This series is totally free. All you need to do is SIGN UP NOW to get access to THE POWER OF STORY and let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together.

Cat xo

PS: Remember, these interviews are going to unlock the key to success in all areas of your life. Your story matters, and it is the difference between you and everyone else. It’s the thing that connects you to other people in your life, to your clients and audiences, and that will help others get passionate about you, your brand and your mission. CLICK HERE to sign up.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

The key to everything you want

I got some coaching last week and it changed my life.

I was doing my typical A-type, doing-all-the-things-all-at-the-same-time maniac thing, reading all the books, consuming all the videos, joining all the Zooms and getting NOWHERE FAST.

Until my business coach ordered me to stop. All of it.

“Wha? You mean ALL OF IT?”


Since I’m a good student, I did what he said.

And you know what happened?

I met my dad for lunch (dim sum, our favourite!).

Had Indian for dinner with my mom (at my second favourite place!).

Enjoyed a date night with my hubby that was, oh, months overdue.

We even went on a double date with some friends the next night!

And I still hit my business target for the week.

Point is, sometimes doing all the things starts with focusing on JUST ONE thing at a time. There’s even a book about it: The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results.

What’s the one thing you get to focus on this week to ultimately create the results you want in your life? I’d love to hear.

Cat xo

PS: If one of your goals for your life is writing a book, join me for my 6-week INTRODUCTION TO WRITING class starting September 7 where we’ll explore your story together and help you move forward with your passion project, one step at a time. Click here to sign up.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

How to be a writer: Start this unstoppable writing routine to write your book faster

How to be a writer: Start this unstoppable writing routine to write your book faster

Like everything else, writing begins with good habits.

I recently hosted a workshop where my friend Arline Malakian talked about the creative mindset. During her presentation, she asked everyone to close their eyes and choose a colour. Sure enough, when she asked them to open their eyes, they saw that colour everywhere.

Writing a book is like that too.

When you create a writing habit, you’ll start to see your book everywhere you go, throughout your day, especially if you start your habit in the morning. Soon your book will take on a life of its own, and will begin to write itself. This is called “being in flow.”

So how do you get there?

First, start with writing every day. I recommend 20 minutes of journalling. This is a great way to get your creative juices flowing, plus it’s a beautifully cathartic and reflective exercise.

Don’t be discouraged if you feel clumsy with this at first. It’s like riding a bike—you might feel the words are slow to come, and like you might fall over.

Keep going.

Eventually, you’ll catch momentum. The words will flow and your book will begin to emerge. And before you know it, your book will practically write itself.

But that’s not the best part.

Once you’ve mastered 20 minutes a day, begin to increase your writing time. That’s where the gold is.

Really that first sprint is just the fluff of your consciousness, the debris from your day and to-do lists, surface-level feelings and concerns.

What comes next is like a yoga pose when you hold your position just a little bit longer—it’s the stretch, the growth, the deeper awareness, the subconscious.

The longer you can hold that pose, the more precious the material you will mine for your book.

So start with 20 minutes a day, lean in and grow from there.

Cat xo

PS: I’m hosting a 6-week INTRODUCTION TO WRITING class starting September 7 where I’ll share the fundamentals of writing a book. It’s a chance to explore your story, get feedback on your idea and writing and create some accountability to help you move forward with your passion project. Click here to sign up.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Is the thing you’re getting stuck on keeping you stuck?

I was chatting with my business coaching program accountability buddy (I have one for my business because accountability helps me commit to the things that scare me), and she remarked how quickly I jump on the training.

I already know this about me—I love shiny new projects and have a ton of energy when it comes to starting things. My growth has been in FINISHING STRONG.

But what struck me today thinking back to our convo yesterday, is that for my buddy this was a phenomenon. She couldn’t see how this was possible, how I got where I was and had made so much progress, without getting all my ducks in a row first like she was doing.

I’m sharing this with you because 1) Yes, I’m in a business development program and I have a business coach, where I have an accountability buddy. I can spend days, weeks or years trying to figure out everything by myself, or I can hire someone who’s already been there/done that to teach me the way to get where I’m going faster.

And 2) Because if, like my buddy, you’re missing out on momentum because you’re trying to get it right before you even get started, you get to stop that. Like now.

Think about riding a bike: When you start pedalling, you’re slow and clumsy, right? But as you get going, you get momentum, and then the bike practically starts riding itself!

That’s just like pretty much everything else in life.

If every time you get in front of your book, your business, your passion project, it feels like the first time, you’re missing out on the gifts of momentum. Momentum creates momentum. It’s fast and it’s easy and you get to get on it.

All you have to do to catch some momentum, is start and keep going. Regardless of whether you know where you’re headed. Regardless of whether you’ve figured it all out—the business plan, the book outline, the strategy.

Start anyway. Then figure it out as you go along.

Now the figure-it-out part can look like a lot of things: It can be an hour you set aside to do just that. It can be a day in the week. A retreat. A skills development course. A coaching program.

But be mindful that too much planning can keep you stuck too. It can be a false illusion of progress and stop you from moving forward in your goals. Having an outline is not the same as having a 60,000-word first draft. A business plan does not equal money in the bank.

Planning, strategy, is great, but it shouldn’t replace the day-to-day task you get to complete that moves your project forward.

Don’t let planning disrupt your momentum. Or you’ll have to start all over again.

So today as you approach your day, tasks and to-do list, I invite you to ask yourself: Is the thing you’re doing right now creating momentum toward reaching your goal? Is it words on the page? Calls made? Emails sent?

Or is it keeping you stuck in the figuring-things-out part?

If so, stop it. 

Start. Figure it out along the way. And keep going.

Cat xo

PS: I’m launching two programs in September that will create a ton of momentum for you book writers out there. Click here if you want to hear more.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Have you heard this before?

This morning I woke up to this message:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Then I met with a prospective client, who said the same thing:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Needless to say, that in 1 hour I helped her figure out that it wasn’t just one book she gets to write, but 3 different ones, for 3 different audiences!

So how did I do it?

Well, 25+ years honing my storytelling skills as a journalist certainly helps. Not just in seeing the story behind the story, but seeing how it plays out across audiences and platforms and time.

That’s a little hard to distill here into a handy tip or two to share with you, but here’s this:

If you find yourself saying:

“Cat, people keep telling me I need to write a book, but I don’t know what that book is or how to go about writing it!”

Do these 2 things:

1) Ask yourself, what was it about what you were sharing in that moment that prompted someone else to make that remark?

2) What makes you excited about writing about that?

There. Now you know what book your audience wants to read, and why you want to write it.

Cat xo

PS: I know writing a book can seem scary and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Message me and I’ll help you connect with the joy of storytelling.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Save the date for my Magical You virtual retreat!

I can’t help it. I love creating 😜

With summer solstice approaching, I was inspired to gather some of my friends to create a magical event where we could inspire and encourage each other, dream and play, and design what we want for the future, near and far.

Over three days in June, starting on the Summer Solstice, we’ll explore the creative mindset, courageous self care, the power of play, passion and purpose, and adventurous spirituality.

In this FREE virtual retreat, we’ll show you how to:

  • Unlock your creativity

  • Tap into your vision for your life

  • Explore courageous self love and self care

  • Plus! Receive free gifts and special offers

  • And more!

Come join this FREE Passion Project virtual retreat to start making the life of your dreams come true!

Click here to sign up and save your spot!

Cat xo

PS: We’ll be announcing speakers and guests in the coming days, so keep an eye out for my emails and feel free to share any of these updates with the people in your life!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

What I learned from 2 days in Transformational Leadership

Recently I spent two days in a Transformational Leadership training room helping to take almost 200 students from breakdowns to breakthroughs as they worked their way up in their leadership to create outstanding results in all areas of their lives.

The funny thing is, even though I was doing the coaching, I felt like I was learning and growing as much as they were.

Those 48 hours opened up a Pandora’s Box of things that continue to get in my way, that I’m ready to let go of: Fear of failure, fear of success. (Wha? Yeah. It’s a thing, and it’s for real.)

I’m excited for our final stretch and the last three weeks of breakthroughs we get to experience before graduation, as we each take ourselves on.

In the meantime, I want to share a few things that became clear for me during those 2 days:

1) Pretty much everyone has “Write a book” on their bucket list. (More on this below.)

2) No matter how much work you’ve done on yourself, there’s always more growth and fulfilment available to you.

3) It takes going beyond your comfort zone to truly level up and expand into what’s possible for you.

4) Community and relationships are how we grow and learn about ourselves and the world. Like my friend and client Robb Gilbear says in his book (which I edited, by the way): You can’t read the label from inside the jar. (And that jar of special sauce, is you.)

Cat xo

PS: If you’re ready to tackle that book publishing dream, but can’t make the dates for my next writers retreat, book a free exploration call with me. I’ve got a few other ways I can support you, and regardless, I love connecting with other writers and sharing what I’ve learned!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

You’re invited!

Here we go! 🥳

My last writers retreat was so much fun, we’re doing it again!

Here’s what my authors had to say about our day together:

“Cat’s writing retreat was a great way to kick off my book-writing journey!”

This retreat was amazing I loved that it was a small group setting and we really could get very clear on our own books and inspired by others peoples books.”

“I loved Cat’s energy and she has the greatest laugh. I’m not sure anyone has ever called me shy… but sharing an idea like this is a vulnerable thing to do and Cat made it easy! Thanks for all your help.”

I loved the atmosphere and the open and safe energy Cat created in her workshop.”

Want to join my party? Hit reply for details and to save your spot!

Cat xo

PS: Just so you know, it’s not just a one-day retreat. I’m including 3 months of book coaching—FREE!—for anyone who signs up for my May 14 & 16 dates. Spots are limited. Get yours now!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Are you willing to give up what you have, for what you want?

I gotta admit it. I’m scared.

Two years ago I finished my first book. I sent it off to my top 3 agent picks, and got signed up almost right away.

Now I’m back where I started. Revising that same book, with an eye to what the market wants, and how the publishers see they can sell it.

When I open my Scrivener program (that’s where I write my books—it’s awesome!), and read the words I spent years crafting and refining, it seems almost impossible that I can do it all again, only better, in a fraction of the time.

I see these perfect lines of text that make me want to laugh and cry all at the same time, and I’m afraid to touch any of it, for fear I’ll only mess it all up.

But that’s the point.

I get to…mess it all up, that is.

Because I know how I can make it better.

And because I know I have to be willing to give up what I have, for what I want.

Is there something like that in your life? Maybe it’s a relationship, a business, a book or some other passion project.

Something that requires you rolling up your sleeves and throwing it all up in the air, so you can tackle it a fresh way, with all new results.

I bet you’re scared too.

But I believe it’s worth it. Do you?

Cat xo

PS: If you’d love to have someone who will stand in the mess with you as you write your book, someone who can help you make sense of it all, message me. I am that person.

PPS: If you are writing a book, remember to save your last version, so you can go back to it if you want to! Unlike other areas of your life, you can do that, you know!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

Where are you on your hero’s journey?

Are you experiencing victory, or defeat?

This was coming up for my transformational leadership students today, as we approach the half-way mark in the program.

Some are feeling cool and collected, like they’ve made it—they’ve mastered their leadership, themselves, their life. They’re feeling like a 10 all over the place and like they’re finally winning the game of life.

Sound like you, or the main character of your book?

In the hero’s journey, according to one of my favourite guides on writing, Save the Cat, midpoint is the part in the book or movie where the main character can experience victory.

But what they don’t know—yet—is that this victory is an illusion. And the big test/battle/final challenge is yet to come, leading to their true transformation.

LOL do I have your attention now? 😂

So what about those who are feeling defeat?

In the hero’s journey, those who are feeling defeat are also experiencing an illusion—things are not as bad as they seem.

In fact, this defeat can mean that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.

You may be feeling like one giant heap of a mess, like your life is falling in pieces around you, but really you are just leaving the old you behind so you can step into your greatness.

That’s what the second half of the book/your life is about. 😉

So take a moment and think about it:

Are you (or the main character of your book) in the midst of a false victory?

Or are you in the throes of a false defeat?

What tests/challenges lie ahead, to experience full transformation?

And what do you get to leave behind?

I’d love to hear your share.

Cat xo

PS: If you want to explore the hero’s journey further—be it for your book, or your life!—let me know. I’d love to step into this adventure with you.

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

You’ve got all the time in the world

Have you heard of Einstein time?

Last week, I was feeling overwhelmed. I had so many plates spinning in the air, I was feeling anxious that at any moment one of them might come crashing down.

The next morning, something had shifted in me. While I still had all the same plates spinning just as high and just as fast in the air, all of a sudden I was at ease. Peaceful with all my various responsibilities, and trusting everything would work out okay.

You see, time really is plastic. Like Einstein said, it’s all relative.

I believe it was my friend Don who first talked to me about Einstein time.

In short, Albert Einstein's theory proposes that time is an illusion that moves relative to an observer.

Have you ever experienced that?

So what does this mean for you?

So often we get in our own way. We use time as an excuse, or as a crutch, or we’re just plain bad at managing it. We say we don’t have time for something we care about, but then we end up scrolling social media for minutes or hours.

The truth is, time is the quality that we ascribe to it.

The truth is, if you’re willing, you can bend time to your will.

Which means that everything is possible, and there is plenty of time to be, do, have it all.

So what are you going to do with your time?

Cat xo

PS: I had so much fun with my Hack the Book Writing Retreats, I’m opening up 2 more dates in May! Join me Saturday May 14 or Monday May 16 for a fun, collaborative day connecting with other writers and getting clarity and strategy on your book. Message me for details!

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Catalina Margulis Catalina Margulis

I can help you write your book in JUST ONE DAY

How would it feel to have your book completely figured it in just one day? With a detailed plan of action to carry you through to completion?

An entire day dedicated to you and your book.

A day centred around:

  • Getting clear on the book you want to write, and your ideal reader

  • Creating an outline for your book to map out your writing

  • Putting a strategy in place to help you meet your desired completion date

  • Getting answers to all your questions on writing, editing and publishing your book

Here’s what I’m offering today:

My Hack the Book Writer’s Retreat will walk you through all the steps to make your book writing experience fun, effective and efficient.

In an intimate group setting, you’ll gain all the tools you need to set you up for success in your book writing journey, so you don’t waste time on trying to figure it all out by yourself for the first time, or on self-doubt and procrastination.

You can move confidently through your book writing experience with a clear map of what to write and when. And you’ll also have the opportunity to get feedback on your book idea to make sure it is as compelling and reader-worthy as possible.

To top it all off, I’m including 6 months of book coaching—free! That means 6 months of support, accountability, feedback and community.

I’ve opened up a few dates on my calendar for this writer’s retreat, with limited spots. Sign up today to secure your place for this fun, fulfilling, creative day!

Cat xo

PS: If you’re thinking this sounds amazing but it’s not the right time—know that this is a one-time offer. If you don’t want to spend years writing your book when you can nail it in months, grab this offer while you can! Click on this link and fill out the registration form, or hit reply to secure your spot!

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